-By Vince Johnson
YOU OWE ME $29,000.00
As of October 2007 every American citizen owed me over $29,000! This includes little babies, students, teachers, parents, grandparents and great grandparents. All of you owe me over $29,000 right now and next year it will be even more.
The Public Debt now exceeds $9,000,000,000,000 (trillion) dollars. There are about 302,000,000 (million) American citizens. Divide 9 trillion by 302 million and see what you get.
But don’t worry about it. Congress is very aware that anyone over 18 won’t live long enough to pay it off, so they’ve relied upon actuarial probabilities that will shift the vast bulk of this debt to your kids. This is being done to every American under the age of 18 without their approval and without their consent.
It is simple. You want things you can’t afford, so you borrow trillions from your children and when they grow up, they make the payments! Oh yes! You are making payments now. That’s why your taxes are so high. But these payments aren’t anywhere near enough. In September 2007, Congress lifted the debt ceiling by $850 billion dollars and it is now over $9.8 trillion! Your payments are not reducing the debt a single cent. It is getting BIGGER!
But like I say, “Don’t worry about it.” The kids will handle it when they grow up.
Congress has seen to that. If they don’t make the payments (by paying their taxes) they will receive substantial fines, or go to prison, or both!
Take this to a CPA or a lawyer. Ask them if a single word is misleading or inaccurate. After doing that, ask a politician running for office to take this to a classroom filled with high school students and explain why they will be held liable for a multi-trillion dollar debt their parents could not pay off.
Don’t forget this. America’s children will be making payments on this debt as long as they live. The least you can do is help your kids understand why they will be making payments on money you borrowed from them.
Vince Johnson welcomes comments. Please send them to,Vince Johnson(vjadtrak@wvi.com)
See Vince in the new book Americans on Politics. Policy, and Pop-Culture.