Our Newest Op Ed

Yet another remnant of the Clinton legacy
– By Michael M. Bates

It began in New York. An official there found that almost 200 of his state’s most dangerous sexual predators got Viagra at no expense. Like Blanche DuBois, the paroled felons had depended on the kindness of strangers.

The strangers in this case were taxpayers, who picked up the tab for the little blue pills thorough Medicaid. Yes, Medicaid, that superlative social welfare program from Lyndon Johnson and his War on Poverty. Medicaid is a federal law and mostly funded with dollars from Washington, but is administered individually by each state.

When he was president, Clinton said he hoped that, “the American people will come to understand that Medicaid is not simply a program for poor people.”

He was right. Obviously, it’s more than that, as least in some jurisdictions. Thanks to him, it’s also a program for poor perverts.

We can imagine how the New York story sent elected officials elsewhere and their minions scurrying. Reimbursing convicted sex assailants for their performance enhancement drugs with public funds is one thing. Getting busted for it in the media is quite another…………….
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