Another Corrupt Stroger Associate Arrested

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another one of Cook County Board President Todd Stroger’s top aides was arrested for a money laundering scheme on Monday, Oct. 4.

Stroger aide Carla Oglesby is accused of funneling a county no-bid contract to her own privately held public relations firm. The $24,975 contract falls under the “24-9” rule where contracts under $25,000 can be awarded without the County Board’s specific approval.

Oglesby served as Stroger’s chief spokesman during his failed primary bid for reelection.

The contract was first reported by the SunTimes last April at which time President Stroger suspended Oglesby for a week. The story prompted federal authorities to begin an investigation.

At the time Oglesby denied she steered the contract to her own firm, but the Times found paperwork showing that she had signed the contracts over to herself.

This is typical of the cash machine for friends and family that Todd Stroger turned his stint as Cook County Board President into. From handing out contracts to pals and giving all sorts of county jobs to family members, Stroger has been particularly corrupt in office.

The county board has since changed it rule on the under $25,000 contracts.
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Another Corrupt Stroger Associate Arrested”

Now Cook County Board Prez Stroger Sticks Taxpayers With $175,000 Contract Bill

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cook County Board President Todd Stroger’s last year in office is marked by one incident of bilking the taxpayers after another. Each week seems to bring a new example of Stroger and his buddies and family members sticking their hands in our pockets and this week has been no different.

In fact, this week we’ve gotten a twofer as two incidents of Stroger’s nest feathering have come to light. The first came on the 27th when Big Boss Todd awarded a $15,000 consulting job to Raymond L. Harris Sr., of Bolingbrook, who worked on Stroger’s losing primary campaign to retain his seat.
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Now Cook County Board Prez Stroger Sticks Taxpayers With $175,000 Contract Bill”

Cook County Board to Extort Suburban Drivers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Oh, the games Cook County Board President little Todd Stroger plays. And they are always about sticking it to the taxpayers, aren’t they? Stroger and his Democrat co-conspirators have really proven that county Democrats are more like a criminal syndicate as opposed to proper representatives of the people with a recent move to stick it to suburban drivers in violation of what the suburban cities even want to have happen in their jurisdictions.

Little Toddie wanted to have county sponsored red-light cameras positioned throughout the Cook County suburbs so that the county could get more money in the form of mailed fines from drivers. But the suburban towns and cities didn’t want the county to intrude upon their roads with these onerous cameras and at least in the case of one city, Schaumburg, we have a town that already removed their own red-light cameras due to pressure from the voters. So the county board offered a compromise.

To mollify the suburban cities the board included an opt out clause in its red-light camera rules. If the cities didn’t want them, they could opt out and keep them out of their areas. Stroger and his extortionist buddies were shocked, though, when “nearly every Northwest Cook County town proceeded to opt out” of his grab for suburban driver’s wallets.

What to do, what to do? Stroger was losing his new revenue stream. How could they stop it?

Eureka! Toddie had an idea…
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Cook County Board to Extort Suburban Drivers”

County President Stroger: Lame Duck Still Rolling Out Gravy Train for Pals

-By Warner Todd Huston

One of the main reasons that little Todd Stroger lost his comfy job as president of the Cook County Board — the office left him by his deceased father — is because of the graft and payoffs to his friends and family members that he constantly perpetrated. It was so bad even Democrats were ashamed of him and voted him out of office in the last primary.

But thanks to the fact that Illinois Democrats moved the primary to February President Stroger has eight months to continue giving his friends and family members cushy jobs paid for by the County taxpayers. And this week he’s done it again.

This time Stroger has given a plum job to his former campaign manager, Vincent Williams. Williams now has a $38,000-a-year job on the Cook Zoning Board of Appeals thanks to his pal President Stroger.

Let us recall that Williams was the campaign manager of a losing campaign, shall we?
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County President Stroger: Lame Duck Still Rolling Out Gravy Train for Pals”