Reid Says Greatest Living Americans Are Senators Byrd and Kennedy?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Harry Reid (D, Nev.) isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, apparently. In an interview with CBN’s David Brody, Senator Reid replied that the greatest living American was Ted Kennedy. Reid then added West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd to the short list. Oddly enough, both of these “greatest living” Senators died earlier this year.

In the interview, Brody asks Reid, “Can you think of a greatest living American?”

Reid replied with: “I’m glad I had the opportunity to know Ted Kennedy. Whether you agreed with him or not, what a life he lead with his two brothers being assassinated, his other brother being killed in World War II. And Robert Byrd who just died. What a… he was in the Congress of the United States for more than 25 percent of the time that we have been a country. That’s fairly remarkable.”
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Reid Says Greatest Living Americans Are Senators Byrd and Kennedy?”

Sharron Angle Ad: Nevada’s Property Rates Plummeted Under Harry Reid

-By Warner Todd Huston

Sharron Angle released her newest TV ad slamming Harry Reid for presiding over the falling home values in Nevada.

Over the last few weeks the Angle campaign has seen an influx of new, more veteran campaign wranglers head out to Nevada to help in her campaign.

There have been a lot of complaints just after her primary win that the Angle campaign was reticent to listen to folks outside her own circle and opportunities have been lost to push her message successfully. She’s made some small errors but perhaps this loose campaign is tightening up.

Recently Angle has taken on some more seasoned campaigners. Jerrod Agen formerly of Rudy Giuliani’s campaign signed onto to Team Angle and last month she took on some other more seasoned hands such as John Yobb and other consultants.

Angle is no where near out of the race, though, despite some bumps in her efforts thus far. Polls show she is about even with Harry Reid so she has a lot of time to roar back and capture the seat. Polls showing the two at a tossup is really far worse news for Reid than it is for Angle. For an incumbent to be even with an opponent traditionally augers ill for the incumbent’s chances of re-election.

It would be quite an event if Republicans could “Daschle” the Democrat Majority Leader in the Senate, for sure.
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Sharron Angle Ad: Nevada’s Property Rates Plummeted Under Harry Reid”

Sharron Angle For Senate Ad: Harry Reid’s Unemployed Nevada

Republican Sharron Angle is trying to unseat Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid. in Nevada. Her poll numbers look good so far.

Here is her first TV ad: Help is on the Way!

Defeating the Democrat Majority leader would be sweet, indeed. I hope everyone supports Sharron Angle.