Pundits Missed that Illinois Started Tea Party/Anti-Establishment Primary Revolt

-By Warner Todd Huston

Political pundits and poll watchers all across the nation are abuzz with the “tea party win” of Rand Paul, winner of the Kentucky primary for U.S. Senator. Mr. Paul was not the party favored candidate but was supported by Kentucky’s Tea Party movement and this is being hailed as something of a first, an example that the incumbents are in trouble and the establishment is on the outs with voters. But the pundits seem to have entirely missed that this trend started in the nation’s first primary in Illinois back in February.

Three primary races in Illinois gave the first hint that the establishment candidates were going to find it hard sledding in 2010 because in the Illinois 14th, 10th and 8th Districts every party establishment candidate lost his or her primary and a tea party candidate or outsider won.

To be sure, the Illinois GOP is not much in favor with any of its voters, but the Illinois GOP has been nothing if not a power party that was always in the past able to force its own special picks down everyone’s throat in the Land of Lincoln. The 2010 primary, however, showed a chink in that armor.
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Pundits Missed that Illinois Started Tea Party/Anti-Establishment Primary Revolt”

Dillard Attacks Opponents on Ethics Questions Judgment

From the Kirk Dillard for Governor campaign…

(Lisle, IL) – Illinois Republican candidate for governor Kirk Dillard today challenged his GOP opponents on judgment and ethics, arguing he has the best record and the experience to make Illinois work again.

“With our state in crisis, we need someone who can exercise sound judgment,” Dillard told a City Club forum in Chicago. “It is vital that the voters closely evaluate every candidate to determine who has the ethical judgment and leadership necessary to turn our state around and balance the state budget without the need for a tax increase.”
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Dillard Attacks Opponents on Ethics Questions Judgment”