Join Me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

It’s Hallowe’en and time for scary stories so hang on to your piggy banks,folks, because tonight Todd and I will be doing our show on the road in Houston, Texas as election observers and our guest will be Charles Goyette, author of The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the impending currency crisis with gold, oil and other unconventional investments.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!

Join me on Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism! Tonight, 8PM Central

Once again we take to the BlogTalkRadio airwaves for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Conservatism tonight at 8PM Central time.

We have a mixed-bag presentation tonight starting off with Frank Hyland’s fabulous Fake News International then we’ll turn the spotlight on LB Neal, editor and publisher of The American Daily family of websites and his latest venture into search engine salvation for conservative bloggers with his RTPX server and finally we’ll finish off with our favorite Brit, Gus Grizwald, who will examine the early Fleetwood Mac when they were a hard-driving, all male, rhythm and blues pub band before they slid into the garbled, drug-addled, general entertainment pop band so beloved by artistically brain dead people like the Clintons.

Join me, Warner Todd Huston, and my co-host, Ann “Babe” Huggett, tonight. And if you miss the show, you can always download it for FREE!!