10/13 “Moneybomb” for Rev. Hayes For Congress (2nd District)

From the Midwest Regional College Republicans on behalf of Hayes for Congress…

This is the year for GOP pick-ups in [what were once] “safe” Democrat seats! In the last comparable year (1994), Chicago powerhouse Dan Rostenkowski was [shockingly!!] defeated for re-election, by his Republican opponent. [LA Times: GOP ‘David’ knocks off ‘Goliath’]

We now have another situation, in which a scandal plagued Democrat Congressman can be ousted.

Jesse Jackson, Jr. has a 72% UNFAVORABLE rating!

Leading pollster & analyst Dick Morris said that IL’s 2nd Congressional district is now in play due to the amazing effort of GOP nominee Rev. Isaac C. Hayes, and the sex and dirty money scandals of incumbent Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.

Rev. Hayes needs your help to defeat this dirty pol — go to www.isaac4honesty.com to make a donation or volunteer now!!

(2nd District) GOPs Hayes: ‘Jackson at Head of Table When Blago Bribe Conspired

From the Hayes for Congress campaign (2nd District)…

CHICAGO: Republican nominee for Illinois 2ndCongressional District Isaac Hayes released the following statement following testimony from the Rod Blagojevich trial placing Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. at a meeting where cash in exchange for the U.S. Senate Seat was discussed,

“Today, we again heard damaging testimony belying Congressman Jackson’s claims of innocence in the Blagojevich Senate Seat scandal. We can now place Mr. Jackson at the head of the table when this conspiracy was first discussed. According to testimony by Rajinder Bedi, on October 27, 2008 he met with Congressman Jackson and his supporter Raghu Nayek at the 312 Restaurant in the loop. During this meeting at which Jackson was present, Nayek asked Bedi to send word to Blagojevich that he would raise a million dollars for Blagojevich if he would appoint Jackson to the Senate seat.
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(2nd District) GOPs Hayes: ‘Jackson at Head of Table When Blago Bribe Conspired”

Hayes Applauds Rejection of Gitmo Transfer to Thompson

From the Hayes for Congress campaign (2nd District)…

CHICAGO: Republican nominee for Illinois 2nd Congressional District Isaac Hayes released the following statement today following the House Armed Services Committee rejects the plan to shift terror detainees to Illinois:

“I applaud the House Armed Services Committee for unanimously approving legislation that bans spending on any facility inside the United States to house Guantánamo detainees. From the very beginning this ridiculous idea was opposed by the American people. At a time when the federal government refuses to do anything to secure our borders, transplanting high-risk terrorists near Chicago would have resulted in a welcome mat for Al-Qaeda. These terrorists should remain exactly where they are – far from the American people and far from the possibility of escape.”

For more information, please go to: www.isaac4honesty.com