Newspapers From Every Corner of Illinois Endorse Brady!

From the Brady for Ill. Governor campaign…

From every part of the state, the message is clear. This weekend, at least five more newspapers endorsed Bill from every section of Illinois.

The Decatur Herald-Review says Bill “wants to create jobs in the state and understands that in order to do that, the state will need to become more business-friendly.” The Southern says Bill will “veto reckless spending by the General Assembly, stop the creation of needless programs and get Illinois back on the path to fiscal sanity.”
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Newspapers From Every Corner of Illinois Endorse Brady!”

MONEYBOMB: Bill Brady 4 Governor (Let’s win back Blago’s seat!)

From the Midwest Regional College Republicans…

Send a message to Barack Obama (and the party of Rod Blagojevich + the “Chicago Way”)!!

Give anything you can, to help us across the finish line, to VICTORY!!

CONTRIBUTE to Brady for Illinois

It’s now only ONE WEEK till the big day!

Of all the State Governors in the country, none has been more infamous, within the past couple years, as the now-impeached (and indicted!) Governor of Illinois. The “Chicago Way” has clearly crippled our state, through the years – and is doing the same, at the national level, as well!
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MONEYBOMB: Bill Brady 4 Governor (Let’s win back Blago’s seat!)”

Chicago’s Ricky Hendon: Racebaiting Creep Du Jour

-By Warner Todd Huston

While introducing Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Pat Quinn at a West Side get-out-the-vote rally held at the New Tabernacle of Faith Baptist Church State Senator Ricky Hendon decided the pulpit was a good place from which to indulge his inner racist.

The Chicago Trib notes that Hendon started calling Bill Brady all manner of names as Gov. Quinn stood right behind the man.

“Let me tell you a couple things. I’ve served with Bill Brady. I’ve never served with such an idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic person in my life,” Hendon told the crowd. “If you think that the minimum wage needs to be $3 an hour, vote for Bill Brady. If you think that women have no rights whatsoever except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady.”

I supposed you have to hand it to Hendon, he’s got brass ones. Most of these racebaiters don’t have the courage to do this right in front of their enemies (by enemies, I mean ALL white people). Usually they only act the cretin in front of a friendly crowd and without the white devil in attendance. But Hendon let it all hang out no matter who was in the room. There’s no account for decorum, civility or even truth where this racbaiting creep goes, for sure.
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Chicago’s Ricky Hendon: Racebaiting Creep Du Jour”

Pat Quinn: A New Low‏

From the Brady for Illinois Governor…

Desperate career politicians do desperate things. Pat Quinn is the most desperate, insider politician in Illinois.

As you may have heard, Pat Quinn’s bitter campaign against Bill has reached an historic low.

After his campaign was flagged for misleading voters in an online video distorting long-shelved legislation involving stray pets, published reports called Quinn’s video “America’s nastiest political ad,” saying it reached “a new low.”

In the middle of the worst fiscal crisis in Illinois’ history, Bill Brady believes its time for a clean break from misleading, personal attacks from career politicians like Pat Quinn and his big government allies.
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Pat Quinn: A New Low‏”

Brady for Gov.: Tough Choices in Hard Times‏

From the Brady of Illinois Governor campaign…

With only two weeks before Illinois votes to make a clean break from big government, political insider Pat Quinn and his special interest, tax and spending allies have launched a desperate, last ditch effort to protect the status quo.

They’re lining up behind disgraced, convicted Governor Rod Blagojevich’s former running mate and Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn to stop Bill Brady’s campaign to clean up state government, and to create real jobs for struggling families.

On the eve of this important election, we need the help of our strongest supporters, just like you, to remind your friends and neighbors what got Illinois into this economic mess.

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Brady for Gov.: Tough Choices in Hard Times‏”

Brady for Governor: ‘We couldn’t spend enough?’

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

“In a nutshell, Quinn wants to raise your taxes; Brady wants to cut state spending. Taxpayers who want a new, fiscally conservative direction for Illinois should vote for Brady.”

That’s what yesterday’s Belleville News Democrat editorial said in endorsing our campaign to put Illinois back to work, and back on track!

And, just today, the Daily Herald also endorsed Bill Brady, saying Illinois needs bold new leaders, not political insiders. Brady “is committed to a philosophy that the state cannot spend what it does not have” and “believes strongly in transparency in government.”
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Brady for Governor: ‘We couldn’t spend enough?’”

Ill. Gov: GOPs Bill Brady 9 Points Up Over Incumbent Dem Quinn

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Sun-Times is reporting on a new poll showing Republican Bill Brady up nine percentage points over incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn for the race for Illinois Governor. The same poll finds the Senate race deadlocked.

The survey polled 1,000 registered voters:

Brady, of Bloomington, was favored by 38.4 percent of those polled, to 29.8 percent for Quinn.

In the race for the Senate, Republican U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk was ahead in the poll by a negligible margin — 37.3 percent to 36.8 percent for Democrat Alexi Giannoulias.

Naturally, the poll also found that third party candidates have figured little in the race.
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Ill. Gov: GOPs Bill Brady 9 Points Up Over Incumbent Dem Quinn”

Tribune Endorses Brady!‏

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

With only weeks to go before Election Day, our campaign to put Illinois back to work, and force government to live within its means today was endorsed by the Chicago Tribune!

As the only candidate who will stand up for families against big government, tax and spend politicians like Pat Quinn, today’s Tribune editorial page says Bill “…will say No to the power-clutching elites — House Speaker Michael Madigan, Senate President John Cullerton, that means you and your cronies — whose insider politics doomed this state to its own private tailspin.”
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Tribune Endorses Brady!‏”

Bill Brady for Governor: Change for Illinois!‏

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

With less than 30 days before Illinois votes to make a clean break from big government insiders like Governor Pat Quinn, The Northwest Herald today endorsed Brady/Plummer for Governor!

In its editorial endorsement, The Northwest Herald cited Bill’s economic plan for creating new jobs, encouraging small business growth, and for fighting job-killing taxes, saying, “Republican Bill Brady represents change for Illinois,” and “offers a level of credibility and leadership unmatched by the others seeking the office.”

Pat Quinn, meanwhile, “…has done little to win our confidence,” it said.
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Bill Brady for Governor: Change for Illinois!‏”

Bill Brady for Ill. Gov.: The Clean Break Candidate for All of Illinois‏

from the Brady for Governor campaign…

Just as we predicted, polls show this race is may come down to the wire!

With just over one month before Election Day, this week showed Bill Brady receiving two important endorsements for his campaign to bring more jobs to Illinois.

Days after beloved former Governor Jim Edgar’s endorsement, Bill was endorsed by the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce for his commitment to enacting pro-growth policies that create new jobs and help small businesses succeed.
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Bill Brady for Ill. Gov.: The Clean Break Candidate for All of Illinois‏”

Brady for Gov: Pat Quinn Is At It Again

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

As a strong supporter of Bill’s campaign to stop job-killing taxes and to make government live within its means, we thought you might like to see our new television ad called, “The Truth.”

The new ad sets the record straight on Governor Pat Quinn’s misleading attacks against Bill, and highlights the Governor’s record of spending, borrowing and taxing Illinois into a fiscal crisis with double-digit unemployment.
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Brady for Gov: Pat Quinn Is At It Again”

Brady for Illinois: Let’s Get to Work!‏

From the Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

With less than 50 days left until Election Day, Brady for Illinois is reaching every single Republican, Independent, and Democratic voter in Illinois with one message – we won’t solve our fiscal crisis or create more jobs under the big government, tax and spend policies of Governor Pat Quinn.

Bill Brady will stand up against the political insiders to fight job killing tax hikes, and will put Illinois back to work.
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Brady for Illinois: Let’s Get to Work!‏”

Labor Day Message from Bill Brady‏

From the Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

As we head into Labor Day, I wanted to send my personal thanks to every one for coming out and supporting our campaign as I traveled across Illinois outlining my plan for creating real jobs, and for putting Illinois back to work.

In Illinois and across America, Labor Day celebrates not only the traditional end of summer, but also the historic legacy of labor, and of the generations of working men and women who built our great nation.

But this Labor Day, as we celebrate with family and friends at hometown parades and back yard barbecues, we also remember that too many of our fellow citizens are struggling, and out of work.
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Labor Day Message from Bill Brady‏”

Brady for Illinois: 550 Million…Really?‏

From the Bill Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

Brady for Illinois is revving up for a busy Labor Day!

Bill Brady today picked up another endorsement, and launched a 48-hour, statewide barnstorming tour to highlight his plan for putting Illinois back to work. Meanwhile, a new report shows our state continues to move in the wrong direction under Governor Pat Quinn.

A new report today by the non-partisan Civic Federation shows Illinois’ free falling bond rating and failed economic policies under Pat Quinn will cost taxpayers a whopping $550 million dollars in extra borrowing costs this year
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Brady for Illinois: 550 Million…Really?‏”

Brady for Illinois: Rasmussen Says Race is a ‘Toss Up’

From the Brady for Illinois Governor campaign…

While political polls will come and go between now and November, we thought you’d be interested in some great news!

A new, independent poll released today shows Bill’s lead over Governor Pat Quinn is growing. The new poll shows Bill now leads Governor Quinn 48 to 35.
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Brady for Illinois: Rasmussen Says Race is a ‘Toss Up’”

Bill Brady for Illinois: New Video and Endorsements

Citing Bill’s commitment to fighting job-killing taxes and his pro-jobs agenda, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce today endorsed Brady for Illinois in the race for Governor!

Today’s endorsement follows in the wake of another important endorsement earlier this week by the National Federation of Independent Businesses, an organization committed to helping small businesses grow and stay competitive.

These endorsements prove Brady/ Plummer is the only campaign in this election that stands with families and business owners to create real jobs and protect taxpayers from political insiders like Pat Quinn who put big government before the people.
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Bill Brady for Illinois: New Video and Endorsements”

Bill Brady Advocates a Path to Citizenship for Illegals

-By Warner Todd Huston

GOP Gubernatorial candidate BIll Brady told the attendees of a Hispanic business leaders at Chicago’s Navy Pier that we need to offer some sort of path to citizenship to the illegal aliens now living in the US.

Brady said that we need more legal immigration because our birth rate isn’t robust enough to keep the country growing.

If we wanna grow as a nation, and as a state we have to realize one of the principles that this nation was founded on and that’s immigration. Ladies and gentlemen the birth rate in this country will not allow us to grow at a rate we need to grow at, and we need to bring real reform to immigration policy and open the doors so we can see a growth rate in this country of four percent or greater. The lack of reform and the lack of immigration in this state and country is crippling our economy and our quality of life.

Brady did not offer any numbers to supplement his feeling that we needed more immigrants but he went on to say that he thinks the U.S. government should implement a policy penalizing illegals while offering them a way to become legal citizens.

In a press release Brady said:
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Bill Brady Advocates a Path to Citizenship for Illegals”

Bill Brady: Less Than 100 Days ‘Til Election Day

From the Bill Brady for Governor campaign…

With less than 100 days before election day… this week marked a turning point in Bill’s campaign to make state government live within its means – just like families and small businesses do every day.

Earlier this week, the same state budget bureaucrat who received a $24,000 pay hike under Pat Quinn, brazenly told a Bloomberg News reporter, “We’re going to pass a tax increase in January,” and touted a plan to raise taxes by 67 percent, the largest tax hike in Illinois history.
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Bill Brady: Less Than 100 Days ‘Til Election Day”

Ill Gov Race: GOPs Brady Has Bigger Bang for Fundraising Bucks

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ed McClelland over at NBC Chicago’s Ward Room blog makes a good point about reports of the two gubernatorial candidate’s fundraising. Both seem to be claiming to have $2.3 million on hand going into this leg of the campaign. But, McClelland makes the point that so far Brady’s $2.3 million is “bigger” than Quinn’s.

How is that?

Well, Brady has gotten the benefit of money from the Republican Governors Association for ads and whatnot while Quinn has not benefitted much from the Democrat Governors Association. That means that Brady doesn’t have to spend as much of his $2.3 million to reach voters as Quinn does.
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Ill Gov Race: GOPs Brady Has Bigger Bang for Fundraising Bucks”

WATCH: Governor Quinn: ‘But that’s just how it works…’

From Bill Brady for Governor and the Illinois GOP…

Pay hikes for state government executives during a fiscal crisis is outrageous, but Governor Quinn? He defends his executive pay hikes, telling viewers on Chicago Tonight, “… that’s how it works.”

If Pat Quinn is serious about controlling state spending, he should immediately enact a wage freeze on state government payroll, and reverse his pay hikes for his executive staff today.

Bill Brady for Illinois: With Quinn at Helm 218,000 Illinois Jobs Lost

From Brady for Illinois Governor…

As usual, Governor Pat Quinn is attempting to distract from the real issues and his failure to lead. This time, he has help from the Democrat Governor’s Association.

On Friday, Governor Quinn was criticized for taking $75,000 in campaign contributions from the Teamsters – just before using his power to change McCormick Place reforms in order to specifically benefit the union. If not overruled by the General Assembly, Governor Quinn’s actions could have cost Chicago 66,000 jobs in the convention and tourism industry.
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Bill Brady for Illinois: With Quinn at Helm 218,000 Illinois Jobs Lost”

(Ill.) Brady Campaign’s First Step At Serious Campaign for Gov.

-By Warner Todd Huston

Not long ago, I asked someone, anyone, to take control of Bill Brady’s gubernatorial campaign. It looks like my wish is fulfilled because Senator Brady has hired a new press secretary, and one with some major experience at that.

The new media boss for Brady is one Patty Schuh, who has worked for the Illinois GOP for 25 years. Schuh started with the state party in 1985 and was until this month the press secretary and assistant to Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno. Schuh also worked for James “Pate” Philip when he was president and minority leader of the Illinois Senate.

Schuh, a Chicago native, is a mass communications graduate of Illinois State University and worked as a news director for radio stations in Macomb, and then as political affairs director for Morton Buildings Inc. in Morton before joining the Senate staff.

This is a very good development. Through the grapevine I was hearing that Brady’s campaign was arrogantly ignoring every snippet of advice that so many top operatives were offering them and the result has been multiple mistakes, the sort that a well controlled campaign could easily have voided.
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(Ill.) Brady Campaign’s First Step At Serious Campaign for Gov.”

Gov. Candidate Brady on Highland Park School Arizona Boycott

-By Warner Todd Huston

Gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady was cornered by NBC Chicago News and asked his reaction to the shameful misuse of power by the Highland Park schools that last week announced that they were banning a girls basketball team from attending a tournament in Arizona.

His first comment was a good one, one I’d like to see more often from our politicians. “I certainly respect the school district’s right to make decisions, I believe in local control.” That is exactly right. He went on to say, “just hope they haven’t overstepped rationality in this case.”

And so, according to his logic, he is clearly saying that the locals are the ones that should go to their school board meeting and either approve of disapprove of the superintendent’s politically motivated decision.

“They’re punishing students for something they think is important and using them as a political pawn. I don’t think that’s right.” By “they” Brady meant the school administrators. and he’s right, here. These two Highland Park superintendents are using these poor kids as a political pawn. It really is disgusting.

Brady finished up with, “The whole immigration issue just drives to the problem we have at the federal level. Immigration is a federal issue. It’s not a state by state issue. And the failure of this administration, and arguably even past administrations, to come up with a long-term solution to this just drives wedges in our society that we don’t need at this time.”

Again, exactly right. Brady came off very well on this issue.

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Gov. Candidate Brady on Highland Park School Arizona Boycott”

Ill. GOP Candidate for Gov. Bill Brady’s First TV Ad

Here is Bill Brady’s first TV buy…

Press Release: Bill Brady shares his plan for growing jobs with a new commercial that begins airing today in the Chicago area.

The commercial will air through a significant buy on broadcast and cable television. Brady talks directly to voters about his plan to hold the line on taxes and pursue job-creating policies in the state. He also reiterates his commitment to term limits and contribution limits.

“I know voters in the Chicago area want to hear more about my vision,” Brady said. “I’m going to continue spending a great deal of time in the city and suburbs and will do everything I can to hear concerns of people here and talk about my goal to bring a clean break to the state.”

Brady is pushing for campaign contribution limits, capping individual campaign contributions at $4,800 for a primary-general election cycle and prohibiting union and corporate contributions. He also is calling for term limits to ending control of the General Assembly by a powerful few.

Chicago’s WTTW Interview With GOP Gov Candidate Bill Brady

Led by Carol Marin, the Chicago public television station conducted an interview with GOP Gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady that is worth watching to gain some small measure of the man.

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Chicago’s WTTW Interview With GOP Gov Candidate Bill Brady”

Could Someone PLEASE Take Control of Bill Brady’s Campaign

-By Warner Todd Huston

I think Bill Brady will be a fair governor if he wins office in November. But he’s never going to get there unless he stops making all these foolish mistakes on the way to election day. Already he’s made at least three faux pas that alone are not that bad but added together they make his campaign look hapless, un-tethered to common sense. So far it’s just not very effective campaigning.

Right out of the box, as soon as he won the primary, Brady pushed forward with a bill to re-open a mass puppy killing facility for a veterinarian from his district. Brady obviously felt that re-opening the puppy euthanasia facility would be an economic boon to his home district as well as sever to help a local constituent. But what ever the reason that Brady supported this bill, the fact that one of the first things he did after he won his party’s nomination for governor was to announce a bill for killing puppies en masse is just an inept move.

Should Brady have still been just a State Senator, few would have made too much of this bill but that he had become the nominee for his party that safe anonymity goes away. The Old Media was sure to pounce on such a tone deaf, misstep. And pounce they did. The result was that Brady backed off his support for re-opening the puppy gas chamber. This messy situation could have been avoided if his campaign was on its toes.
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Could Someone PLEASE Take Control of Bill Brady’s Campaign”