-By Warner Todd Huston
United Press International recently published a nice piece on Paul Ryan touting his “youth” and his “political savvy.”
Nicole Debevec notes that Wisconsin Representative Ryan “brings a lot to the ticket,” going on to say that supporters feel he “brings youth, conservative bone fides and roots in a swing state to the campaign.”
Debevec gives us a quick Ryan resume, that he worked as a speechwriter for conservative icon Jack Kemp and organized the House “Young Guns” program, and even though repeating the tired “he’ll end Medicare as we know it” bilge, wound up on a high note reiterating Ryan’s convention promise not to “duck the tough issues.”
Over all a positive little piece on Paul Ryan.
It is interesting to note, though, that the Old Media establishment has largely gone dark on stories about Paul Ryan. He cannot be made “the stupid guy,” (as they did with Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle) and he isn’t the sort to which “the mean guy” accusation will stick (like they did to Dick Cheney). So, since the Old Media can’t turn Ryan into either a laughing stock or a monster, they’ve steered clear of too much reporting on him.
In any case, it is nice to see a story that reports positively on Romney’s VP pick.
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UPI Sings the Praises of Paul Ryan”