-By Gary Krasner
Oh, what a beautiful mornin’,
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rything’s goin’ my way.
I’m sorry about that. I’ve been breaking out in song and dance all day.
If people saw me on the street today, they would wonder why that faggot was singing and dancing.
Let me tell you why: ALL THE DOMINOS ARE FALLING!!!!!
All the liberals I hate are dropping through a trap door on a daily basis. Poetically, a trap door that THEY carefully constructed for Trump, Fox News, and Roy Moore.
There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow
There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow
The corn is as high as an elephant’s eye,
An’ it looks like it’s climbin’ clear up to the sky.
Sorry again. I can’t contain myself. Is this what it’s like to be gay?! I was never that crazy about Broadway show tunes until now!
The liberal media ICONS are toppling. NBC fired Matt Lauer today. He was the biggest apologist for Dems, and one of the most shamelessly biased one.
Apparently, for “inappropriate sexual behavior.” Actually, he attempted to rape a liberal NBC colleague. That’s a felony if you’re a black in the ghetto. Right David?!
Also today, Garrison Keillor was fired by MPR. Liberals grew up on Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, then graduated to Keillor in adulthood on NPR radio weekends.
These were their political father figures whom they felt they could trust. They felt secure with these bastions of integrity: Garrison Keillor and Charlie Rose. Gone in an instant.
Now their names will be erased from liberal history. Can Fred Rogers be far behind? That’s when the bottom would really fall out.
All the sounds of the earth are like music
All the sounds of the earth are like music
The breeze is so busy it don’t miss a tree,
And a ol’ weepin’ willer is laughin’ at me!
Jeez, I can’t stop it. The names of the nastiest of libs are dropping fast into oblivion each day!
Another bastion, of illegals, since elected in 1993, Rep. Luis Gutierrez, will not seek re-election. Yeah, you guessed why. Watch the other shoe to drop on that one.
Some Dems are crying that Rep. John Conyers has a legacy, so he shouldn’t resign. His legacy was marrying his 25-year-old office staffer when he was 61. He probably couldn’t buy that one her silence.
And Roy Moore is leading in the polls now! And why not, when you juxtapose him with Conyers. Or that stupid putz, Franken.
And WHEN will Neil Degrasse Tyson receive recognition, FOR DRUGGING AND RAPING A COLLEGE STUDENT?!! He’s not listed on #MeToo!
The smartest black astrophysicist in astrophysics gets a pass just because he’s black? Or because he’s the tip of the spear (no racial pun intended) demonizing conservatives?
That just makes me bewitched, bothered, and bewildered. But I’m not gay!
All the cattle are standin’ like statues
All the cattle are standin’ like statues
They don’t turn their heads as they see me ride by,
But a little brown mav’rick is winkin’ her eye.
That one I couldn’t suppress, as my heart is singing and dancing with delight. Because Robin Roberts on ABC today lamented why all the libs were dropping, but not Trump!
On the PBS News Hour the other day, Judy Woodruff asked Amy Walters (all libs) why the sex abusers are not resigning as fast as those in show business.
Her answer was essentially because there’s more accountability, and things happen more swiftly, in the private sector, which responds the free market pressures.
In other words, on that day, liberal viewers discovered what I’ve been saying for years: Political power in Washington always panders to the rich and powerful, whereas corporations are slaves to your dollar purchases of toothpaste and televisions.
And on that triumphant note, I’ll just observe . . . .
Oh, what a beautiful mornin’,
Oh, what a beautiful day.
I got a beautiful feelin’
Ev’rything’s goin’ my way.
Oh, what a beautiful day!
Damn it, I didn’t mean to say that! Look, I’m not gay. Just fabulously euphoric!