-By Warner Todd Huston
I have been linking to other sources for this, but I’ve noticed that some of the links on those other pages are not working correctly. So, here are the elected state representatives of the State of Illinois. this list is alphabetical by party, but noted is each representative’s district, email address, and phone number. Also, to go to the rep’s state sponsored webpage, click on their name.
Republican State Representatives
House Minority Leader: 85th District Tom Cross
tom@tomcross.com (217) 782-1331
Suzanne Bassi, 54th District
repbassi@aol.com (217) 782-8026
Mark Beaubien, 52nd District
strepmbeaubien@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-1517
Patricia Bellock, 47th District
rep@pbellock.com (217) 782-1448
Bob Biggins, 41st District
bobbiggins@comcast.net (217) 782-6578
Mike Bost , 115th District
rep.bost@hotmail.com (217) 782-0387
Dan Brady, 88th District
dan@rep-danbrady.com (217) 782-1118
Rich Brauer, 100th District
brauerr@housegopmail.state.il.us (217) 782-0053
John Cavaletto, 107th District
john@johncavaletto.com (217) 782-0066
Franco Coladipietro, 45th District
franco@il45.com (217) 782-8158
Sandy Cole, 62nd District
representativesandycole@comcast.net (217) 782-7320
Michael Connelly, 48th District
repconnelly48@gmail.com (217) 782-8028
Elizabeth Coulson, 17th District
coulson@earthlink.net (217) 782-4194
Shane Cultra, 105th District
cultrash@ilga.gov (217) 558-1039
Jim Durkin, 82nd District
repdurkin@hotmail.com (217) 782-0494
Roger Eddy, 109th District
reddyunit1@aol.com (217) 558-1040
Mike Fortner, 95th District
mike.fortner@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-1653
Norine Hammond , 94th District
(217) 782-0416
Kay Hatcher, 50th District
info@kayhatcher.us (217) 782-1486
Chad Hays, 104th District
info@chadhays2010.com (217) 477-0104
Renée Kosel, 81st District
rkosel@ilga.gov (217) 782-0424
David Leitch, 83rd District
davidleitch@ameritech.net (217) 782-8108
Sidney Mathias, 53rd District
repmathias@hotmail.com (217) 782-1664
Michael McAuliffe , 20th District
mmcauliffe20@yahoo.com (217) 782-8182
Bill Mitchell , 87th District
repmitchell@earthlink.net (217) 782-8163
Jerry Mitchell, 90th District
repjmitchell@comcast.net (217) 782-0535
Donald Moffitt, 74th District
moffitt@grics.net (217) 782-8032
Rosemary Mulligan, 65th District
repmulligan@usa.net (217) 782-8007
JoAnn Osmond , 61st District
reposmond@aol.com (217) 782-8151
Sandra Pihos , 42nd District
community@sandrapihos.com (217) 782-8037
Raymond Poe, 99th District
poer@housegopmail.state.il.us (217) 782-0044
Bob Pritchard, 70th District
bob@pritchardstaterep.com (217) 782-0425
Harry Ramey, 55th District
staterepramey55@aol.com (217) 558-1037
Dennis Reboletti, 46th District
info@reboletti.com (217) 782-4014
David Reis, 108th District
david@davidreis.org (217) 782-2087
Chapin Rose, 110th District
cr@chapinrose.net (217) 558-1006
Jim Sacia, 89th District
jimsacia@aeroinc.net (217) 782-8186
Skip Saviano, 77th District
skip@skipsaviano.com (217) 782-3374
Tim Schmitz, 49th District
info@timschmitz.org (217) 782-5457
Darlene Senger , 96th District
sengerstaterep@gmail.com (217) 782-6507
Keith Sommer, 106th District
sommer@mtco.com (217) 782-0221
Ron Stephens, 102nd District
ron@repstephens.com (217) 782-6401
Ed Sullivan, Jr., 51st District
ilhouse51@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-3696
Jil Tracy, 93rd District
jiltracy@jiltracy.com (217) 782-8096
Michael Tryon, 64th District
mike@miketryon.com (217) 782-0432
Ronald Wait, 69th District
repwait@aol.com (217) 782-0548
Jim Watson, 97th District
jimwatson@localnetco.com (217) 782-1840
Dave Winters, 68th District
repwinters@aol.com (217) 782-0455
Democrat State Representatives
Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, 22nd District
mmadigan@hds.ilga.gov (217) 782-5350
Edward Acevedo, 2nd District
acevedoed@ilga.gov (217) 782-2855
Luis Arroyo, 3rd District
repdistrict3@gmail.com (217) 782-0480
Daniel Beiser, 111th District
dvbeiser@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-5996
Maria Berrios, 39th District
berriosma@ilga.gov (217) 558-1032
Mike Boland, 71st District
ilrepmikeboland@aol.com (217) 782-3992
John Bradley, 117th District
repjohnbradley@mychoice.net (217) 782-1051
Daniel Burke, 23rd District
dburkedj@legis.state.il.us, or jfranklin@hds.ilga.gov
(217) 782-1117
William Burns, 26th District
repwillburns@att.net (217) 782-2023
Michael J. Carberry, 36th District
(217) 782-0515
Linda Chapa LaVia, 83rd District
chapa-laviali@ilga.gov (217) 558-1002
Annazette Collins, 10th District
collinsar@ilga.gov (217) 782-8077
Marlow Colvin, 33rd District
repcolvin@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-8272
Fred Crespo, 44th District
repfredcrespo@um.att.com (217) 782-0347
Barbara Flynn Currie, 25th District
repcurrie@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-8121
John D’Amico, 15th District
john_damico@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-8198
Monique Davis, 27th District
davismd@ilga.gov (217) 782-0010
William Davis, 30th District
williamd@ilga.gov (217) 782-8197
Anthony DeLuca, 80th District
repdeluca@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-1719
Lisa Dugan, 79th District
duganlm@ilga.gov (217) 782-5981
Kenneth Dunkin, 5th District
dunkinke@ilga.gov (217) 782-4535
Keith Farnham, 43rd District
krfarnham@comcast.net (217) 782-8020
Sara Feigenholtz, 12th District
sara@staterepsara.com (217) 782-8062
Robert F. Flider, 101st District
bobflider@repflider.com (217) 782-8398
Mary Flowers, 31st District
flowersme@ilga.gov (217) 782-4207
LaShawn Ford, 8th District
lkf@ilga.gov (217) 782-5962
Jack Franks, 63rd District
jack@jackfranks.org (217) 782-1717
John Fritchey, 12th District
john@fritchey.com (217) 782-2458
Paul Froehlich, 56th District
statereppaul@hotmail.com (217) 782-3725
Robyn Gabel, 18th District
robyn@robyngabel.com (217) 782-8052
Esther Golar, 6th District
estherg@ilga.gov (217) 782-5971
Careen Gordon, 75th District
staterepgordon@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-5997
Jehan Gordon, 92nd District
repjehangordon@gmail.com (217) 782-3186
Betsy Hannig, 98th District
creiddist@frontiernet.net (217) 782-8071
Greg Harris, 13th District
greg@gregharris.org (217) 782-3835
Elizabeth Hernandez, 24th District
lisa@staterephernandez.com (217) 782-8173
Jay Hoffman, 112th District
jayhoffman@charter.net (217) 782-8018
Thomas Holbrook, 113th District
holbrookta@ilga.gov (217) 782-0104
Constance A. Howard, 34th District
staterep-constance-a-howard@comcast.net (217) 782-6476
Eddie Lee Jackson, 114th District
bbsty2005@aol.com (217) 782-5951
Naomi Jakobsson, 103rd District
naomi@naomijakobsson.com (217) 558-1009
Charles Jefferson, 67th District
staterepchuck67@aol.com (217) 782-3167
Lou Lang, 16th District
reploulang@aol.com (217) 782-1252
Camille Y Lilly, 78th District
statereplilly@yahoo.com (217) 782-6400
Joseph Lyons, 19th District
lyonsjm@ilga.gov (217) 782-8400
Frank Mautino, 76th District
mautinofj@ilga.gov (217) 782-0140
Karen May, 58th District
karen@repkarenmay.org (217) 782-0902
Rita Mayfield, 60th District
(217) 558-1012
Emily McAsey, 85th District
repemily@gmail.com (217) 782-4179
Kevin McCarthy, 37th District
kevmac37@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-3316
Jack McGuire, 86th District
jmcguire86@sbcglobal.net (217) 782-8090
Deborah Mell, 40th District
deb@debmell.org (217) 782-8117
Susana Mendoza, 1st District
repmendoza@aol.com (217) 782-7752
David Miller, 29th District
repdavidmiller@aol.com (217) 782-8087
Elaine Nekritz, 57th District
enekritz@repnekritz.org (217) 558-1004
Harry Osterman, 14th District
hjo17@aol.com (217) 782-8088
John M. O’Sullivan, 35th District
(217) 782-2000
Brandon Phelps, 118th District
bphelps@yourclearwave.com (217) 782-5131
Dan Reitz, 116th District
repreitz@egyptian.net (217) 782-1018
Al Riley, 38th District
rep.riley38@sbcglobal.net (217) 558-1007
Robert Rita, 28th District
ritaro@ilga.gov (217) 558-1000
Carol A. Sente, 59th District
(217) 782-0499
Michael Smith, 91st District
mks@winco.net (217) 782-8152
Cynthia Soto, 4th District
csoto@ilga.gov (217) 782-0150
André Thapedi, 32nd District
rep32district@gmail.com (217) 782-1702
Arthur Turner, 9th District
turneral@ilga.gov (217) 782-2000
Patrick Verschoore, 72nd District
pverschoore@qconline.com (217) 782-5970
Mark Walker, 66th District
markw@ilga.gov (217) 782-3739
Karen Yarbrough
7th District – yarbroug@ilga.gov (217) 782-8120
Michael Zalewski, 21st District
repzalewski@gmail.com (217) 782-5280
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson
Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s BigGovernment.com, BigHollywood.com, and BigJournalism.com, as well as RightWingNews.com, RightPundits.com, CanadaFreePress.com, StoptheACLU.com, AmericanDaily.com, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.
For a full bio, please CLICK HERE.
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