Senator Chuck Schumer Is Why Americans Don’t Trust Politicians
– By Warner Todd Huston
Early this week, Senator Chuck Schumer (D, New York) took to the floor of the United States Senate to give a speech of position on the current issue of the Democrats’ filibuster of Bush’s judicial nominees.
After he was done and after even a modest review of what he said, one finds oneself flabbergasted at the Senator’s ignorance of history and the Constitution and even good etiquette. That, or he knowingly attempted to mislead his listeners on all his “facts”. Either way, he is the perfect example of why so many Americans don’t trust our politicians.
Obviously, Senator Schumer is the kind of the politician who will just say any old thing to “win” the argument. And it is plain that he thinks his audience is too stupid to realize how untrue his points are, sure they won’t realize how badly he will warp truth and historical facts in pursuit of power. He has shown that he will lie worse than the little boy caught breaking the window with the baseball and blaming his imaginary friend for doing it…….