Dan Patlak: Empowering the Taxpayers

From Dan Patlak for Cook County Board of Review…

In the spirit of empowering taxpayers, we have released the first in a series of “Property Tax Facts” videos. This video series compliments our website’s new “Education Center”, and answers commonly asked questions about Cook County Property Taxes. If you have a question about property taxes please visit our web site at www.ElectPatlak.com and click on Ask Dan.

In order to encourage others to support Dan’s campaign for professional competence, political balance and citizen empowerment a generous benefactor has pledged to match any contribution to Citizens for Dan Patlak through August 19th. The matching contributor will match all contributions up to a total of $10,000. So that means your contribution of $25, $50, $100 or $500 will be automatically doubled. As an added incentive, all contributions received through August 19th will be put into a drawing for a two night stay at the Island House Hotel in Mackinac Island. Second and third place winners will receive gift certificates for Ryba’s fudge on Navy Pier. This is a great opportunity for you to help Dan raise the money that is so vital to run a competitive campaign. You can contribute by writing a check made out to Citizens for Dan Patlak and mailing it to 113 Berkshire Drive, Wheeling, IL 60090 or click here to contribute on-line via credit card.


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