Detecting Stealth Jihadists

-By Gary Krasner

At this stage, investigators still cannot rule out the possibility that actions of co-pilot Andreas Lubitz–who had locked the captain out of the cockpit and deliberately crashed the Germanwings aircraft into the French Alps, killing 150 passengers–wasn’t an act of jihad. At least jihadists aren’t silent about it. They think Lubitz is an Islamic State hero.

While we won’t know the reason until perhaps the investigation is completed, we do know that it’s within the realm of possibility given the heightened recruitment of jihadists in most countries today. And they love to crash planes. It seems likely that the crash of EgyptAir New York to Cairo flight 990 on October 31, 1999, for example, was an act of jihad by Captain Gamil el Batouty.

Granted pilot suicides are rare. An FAA report from 2014 revealed that eight out of 2,758 fatal aviation accidents between 2003 to 2012 were suicides. All pilots involved were male, with a median age of 46. In seven of the eight crashes, the pilot was the sole occupant of the downed aircraft. Four of them tested positive for alcohol, and two of them were positive for antidepressants.

The FAA requires that all pilots younger than age 40 have their medical certificates renewed annually, while pilots 40 and older must have them renewed every six months. Part of the medical examination involves an assessment of psychological condition, but there is no official mental health exam.

“The FAA does not expect the examiner to perform a formal psychiatric examination,” the FAA guidelines state. “However, the examiner should form a general impression of the emotional stability and mental state of the applicant.”

In anticipating the real threat of Muslim pilots, or by converts to jihad who may have access to airliner cockpits, Krasner Laboratories has developed a urine test that would eliminate the risk of suicide jihadists crashing planes. The test involves placing a holy Quran on the ground and requiring the pilot to urinate upon it. Those who refuse can be regarded as potential jihadists and be rooted out as high risk. (Hey, I never said it was a chemical test!)

A less drastic alternative would be to follow a pilot into the lavatory, wait for him or her to complete their mission, then attempt to hand them a Quran before they were able to wash their hands. Those who refuse to touch it can be regarded as potential jihadists and be rooted out as high risk.

Airlines run by liberals may feel that this is a violation of civil rights somehow. Let them. It’s a free country. Airlines would have to publicly state its company policy concerning that, and the free market will do the rest. Passengers who wish to feel good about themselves for supporting Muslim sensibilities can choose to fly with the liberal airlines, while passengers who wish to ensure their survival will choose to fly with companies that employ the Krasner urine test. Then we’ll see if Charles Darwin was right.

The Krasner urine test may be used to filter out high risk personnel involved in many other endeavors, or to test a suspected jihadist. I checked today’s Jihadwatch news for possible examples:

US Muslim soldier: “We would love to do something like the brother in Paris did”

Canada: Muslim chemistry student suspected of jihad terror activities released with order to “keep the peace”

Illinois: Muslim soldier arrested for jihad plot on military base for Islamic State

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Bowe Bergdahl, Deserter

Civil libertarians and Muslims would complain that this would exclude many Muslims from jobs, who do not subscribe to jihad, and who are not islamic supremacists. That may be true, but during time of war, when lives are at stake, such measures must be considered among the entire arsenal of potential safety measures. Besides, while one may argue that Muslims would be unfairly eliminated from particular job categories, one may also argue that Muslims have seen to it that all non-Muslims have been forcibly eliminated from entire nations

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Speaking of other animals, we can make good use of the pig. We can rekindle that rumor from years ago that US service members are lubricating their ammo with pig grease. That rumor reportedly scared the shit out of jihadists. It’s a justifiable escalation of the terror inflicted upon service members and their families after the Islamic State hacking group posted a hit list of U.S. military personnel and their home addresses and personal information.

After some 20,000 islamic attacks and hate crimes perpetrated world-wide since 9-11, with many thousands of innocent people murdered, it’s time we started thinking outside the politically correct box we’ve constructed for ourselves.

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