INFOGRAPHIC: Internet Sales Tax Is Bad for Everyone

By -Kelsey Harris The Heritage Foundation

Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told Bloomberg Television Wednesday he would “probably not” support the Marketplace Fairness Act, an Internet sales tax bill that passed through the Senate this week by a 69–27 margin.

“Moving this bill where you’ve got 50 different sales tax codes, it’s a mess out there,” Boehner said. “You’re going to make it much more difficult for online retailers to be able to comply.”

Small business owners all over the country agree–and they’re speaking out.
Matthew Sorrell, co-founder of Infinity College Bookstore, an online used textbook store, is worried about his company’s ability to keep up with the 9,646 tax jurisdictions in the United States.

“I might have to go through all the transactions that we’ve had every month and figure out based on the ZIP Code that the book was shipped to what jurisdiction they’re in and then remit the tax to each one,” Sorrell told The Wall Street Journal.

Sorrell is just one of many small business owners who are frustrated by the complexity and high costs associated with the Internet sales tax. We put together this infographic to highlight some of their concerns.

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