Does Any Reporter Have the Courage to Ask Obama These Questions?

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I have not tried to disguise my disagreement, distrust, disgust, and dissatisfaction with President Obama. While McCain would have taken America over the cliff, he would have done so at 65 miles per hour while Obama has done it at 100 miles per hour. Whatever the speed, we have gone over the cliff and are about to smack the bottom. This administration is the most incompetent, inefficient, irresponsible, immoral, and inept in U.S. history.

The only positive thing I saw in Obama’s election was that it was obvious proof that we are not a racist nation–except for the 93% of Blacks who voted for him because he was black (well, half black). Additionally, the pathetic insecure whites who voted for him for the same reason–color, not convictions or character is absolute proof of racism.

I thought that his election would remove the race card and we could all discuss, debate, and disagree in a civil, educated, and even gracious way. But that was not in the cards, but what is always in the cards is the race card that bigots pull out at every opportunity, especially when they can’t answer Conservatives. And frankly, even if his election were sufficient proof that we are not bigots, the results were not worth it. I would rather be thought of as a bigot than live in a totalitarian, socialist (Communist) state.

Obama thinks of himself as a legend in his own time; however, he is a legend in his own mind! It is scary to contemplate but Obama really thinks the swill he spills out to the nation is tasty and hardy. For his information, it is neither tasty nor hardy although it is tasteless.

Obama must be questioned thoroughly by everyone especially reporters because four more years of his misrule will be catastrophic. A president always waits until his second term to take off his mask and reveal himself. So, some urgent questions are required and no pabulum will be swallowed.

“Mr. President, your actions during your first term clearly prove you to be a socialist to honest, informed people, and inquiring people ask if you have any Marxist/Communist blood in your veins? If you prove during a second term to advocate policies that would make Marx, Lenin, and Stalin (as well as Mao, Castro, and Che) stand up and cheer you on, would you be willing to resign your office?

“Can we trust you to finally handle the illegal immigration problem? Americans have been patient but no Federal official seems to take the border seriously. Voters want the borders sealed to keep out drug lords, terrorists, and even honest vegetable pickers who can apply for entrance like others who have proved to be good citizens adding much to our melting pot.

“Many Americans believe you to be a thinly disguised Muslim (as you inadvertently confessed on television) and while your religion is a personal thing, it becomes public depending how committed a Muslim you are. Please inform us as to the following:

“Will you agree that Israel has a right to secure borders, the right to defend themselves, and the right to choose their own capital? Furthermore, would you move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem as per U.S. law passed in 1995 but never implemented? Would you energetically resist making East Jerusalem the capital of the Palestinian Authority?

The U.S. State Department has spent millions of tax dollars to refurbish mosques and minarets as well as churches all over the world freeing up Muslim money to be used for terror. Would you stop that insane and unconstitutional activity since reasonable people would agree that if a manger scene or the Ten Commandments in the public square are unconstitutional then it is wrong to use our money to help those who are determined to destroy us? Fanatical Muslims are laughing at us as we spend our money to beautify and refurbish their religious buildings while they are drowning in petro-dollars, dollars that can be used for nefarious purposes against us. How about an order from the Oval Office to stop placating Muslims and puzzling Americans?

“Would you disavow any attempt to make Sharia law a part of any state or federal judicial system?

“Will you disavow “honor killings” anywhere on earth?

“Are you willing to deplore and disapprove of genital mutilation of little girls?

“Will you agree that any person, here or in any Muslim nation, has a right to convert to any religion without retaliation? Please don’t insult us by hiding behind, ‘Well, that is a decision a sovereign nation must decide for itself.’

“Are you willing to concede that the terrorist problem is almost completely a Muslim problem?

“Are you willing to begin a campaign to discover the hidden Muslim cells in America and incarcerate any terrorists including those associated with a mosque?

“Will you work diligently to declaw the TSA and make it really safe for Americans to fly again by instituting profiling of all passengers? Most of the suspicious passengers will be innocent so officials will apologize and send them on their way.

“Are you willing to investigate the various institutions where Muslims are recruiting and developing terrorists? That would include the military, the CIA, the FBI, the prisons, the State Department, and other areas of life?

“Are you willing to help Don Boys and others start the Trinity Baptist Church somewhere in Saudi Arabia? After all, President Jefferson, on Oct. 31,1803, proposed to the U. S. Senate a treaty with the Kaskaskai Indians which provided federal money to support a priest and to build a church. It was ratified on Dec. 23, 1803. Boys has pledged the first thousand dollars and since you profess to be a ‘devoted Christian’ he thinks you would be excited to pledge the second thousand. I understand the Baptists prefer to have their church down the street from the Kaaba (Muslims’ holiest site) but would be willing to locate anywhere in Saudi.

“Maybe the Muslim leaders would be willing to permit the Baptists to meet in the Kaaba until they can construct their own building! (After all, some ‘Protestant’ churches have permitted Muslims to meet in their church.) Since the Kaaba is a square building, it might be appropriate for the Baptists to meet there since most of us media celebrities think Baptists are really square. What is your thinking on this matter? I suppose as a devoted Christian, you are interested in missions. Right?”

Tough questions! However, if a man (or woman) asks Americans to hand over the nation to their leadership, an office that includes a beautiful mansion, generous salary, retirement benefits, generous health care, a couple of jet planes and helicopters to carry them on exotic vacations, then such politicians should be questioned thoroughly.

Are there any reporters out there dedicated to truth and the American Way who are willing to ask Obama those questions?
I’m not holding my breath since blue is not my favorite color.
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 14 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His new eBook, The God Haters is available for $9.99 from These columns go to over 11,000 newspapers, television, and radio stations. His other web sites are and Contact Don for an interview or talk show.

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