Hultgren Statement in Response to President Obama’s Refusal to Acknowledge House GOP Jobs Plan

From the office of Rep. Randy Hultgren (R, Illinois 14th District)…

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Randy Hultgren (IL-14) issued the following statement today in response to President Obama’s claim that he has yet to see the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“I was surprised by the President’s claim tonight that he has not seen a jobs plan from House Republicans; clearly, he hasn’t been paying attention. Long before the President introduced his American Jobs Act – which members of its own party are keeping at arm’s length – we unveiled our Plan for America’s Job Creators.

“Unlike the President’s proposal – which is far too much of failed ‘stimulus’ recipe of more spending and higher taxes – we’re focused on cutting red tape to unleash the potential of America’s private sector, and that’s been our focus since Day One.

“If the President is serious about getting Americans back to work, he should refrain from taking baseless, juvenile potshots and instead work with Senator Harry Reid to get the dozen pro-growth, pro-jobs bills we’ve passed through the Senate.”

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