VIDEO: EPA Regulations Jeopardize IL Manufacturing Jobs

From the Republican Study Committee…

The Republican Study Committee today released a new video – “Voices of Recovery: Eric’s Story” – highlighting the cost of federal government regulations on Bensenville, Illinois job creator Chicago White Metal Die Casting (CWM). A privately held family small business since 1937, CWM is struggling to remain competitive under the burden of new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations which restrict energy use at manufacturing facilities.

In business for nearly 75 years, CWM supports about 250 jobs, but faces growing challenges from mounting Washington rules and regulations.

“It’s a challenge to remain competitive and profitable,” says Eric Treiber, company president. “It means trouble for new jobs, and we’re not going to be able to invest in new equipment and new training.”

“If small businesses feel the freedom to succeed, they will jump at opportunities to expand and create jobs,” said RSC Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan. “Let’s lift the burden of overregulation, get Washington out of the way, and get this economy moving again.”

“Job creators like Eric deserve to grow and hire without burdensome dictates from Washington bureaucrats and flawed federal regulations making it harder,” said Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa. “Small businesses power American prosperity. That’s why we’re working via to deliver regulatory relief that supports both local job creators and cleaner, safer, healthier communities.”

One employee at this family-owned small business spends half of his working hours dealing with EPA regulations. Nationally, Americans spent more than 8.8 billion hours filling out government paperwork – an increase of 19% in the last decade – according to the Office of Management and Budget.

Manufacturing job creators like CWM pay 54 percent of all EPA regulatory costs. New EPA rules to regulate greenhouse gases from stationary sources will make it more difficult for CWM to focus on manufacturing and find solutions in the marketplace.

  • The EPA’s own estimates show these new regulations would cost businesses $132 million in the first year and place 10,000 new facilities nationwide under EPA regulatory control.
  • On April 7, 2011, the House passed H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act. This legislation would prohibit the EPA from unilaterally regulating greenhouse gases, something Congress has never authorized it to do.

The cost of new regulations has grown substantially in recent years. That’s why House Republicans developed, a platform for job creators to communicate directly with members of Congress about government regulations that are denying economic freedom. To date, more than 1,400 American job creators have told us their story.

Remember, jobs don’t come from government. They come from people who see opportunities, take risks, innovate, and earn success. Visit to tell us how government regulations cost your business.

Video courtesy of the Republican Study Committee.

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