American Majority National Training Bomb- Chicago September 17, 2011‏

From American Majority-Illinois…

The day has finally come! We have officially opened our Illinois office, and now have a ground force here full time to engage on a local level. As you know, American Majority is a national non-profit and non-partisan political training institute whose mission is to train and equip passionate individuals and groups committed to individual freedom through limited government and the free market.

My primary reason for reaching out to you today is to let you know about our National Training Bomb event taking place this Saturday, September 17,2011, in Chicago. We ask you to strongly encourage your readers to attend. Each training module that will be presented offers vital information that will equip attendees to become effectively active.

Thank you for your dedication to conservatism in Illinois. We believe real political change begins at the local level—and that freedom can be only effectively implemented on a national level if we work together as engaged citizens within our communities. Please visit our website and share it with your readers. You may contact us anytime. We have attached a flyer you are free to use for your blog. We cannot turn this country around without you!

In Liberty,

American Majority – Illinois

Sarah J. Gough
Executive Director
American Majority Illinois

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