Ron Sandack Announces Candidacy 81st House District

From the Sandack for State Rep…

Downers Grove, IL – State Senator Ron Sandack announced today that he will run for State Representative in the 81st House District. Sandack was appointed to the State Senate in November of 2010 to replace State Senator Cronin, now DuPage County Board Chairman, in the 21st District.

“It is time to restore Illinois to its rightful place as the best State in the Midwest and the economic engine of America. I am introducing my prescription to restore our State to its inherent greatness. I call it “Five to Revive Illinois.” These initiatives are based on principles I championed as Mayor of Downers Grove,” said Sandack.

“We must return to a job-friendly environment where businesses can flourish and families can thrive; leaner government focused on the basics; ethics reforms to clean up Illinois’ tainted culture; fiscally prudent management to finally stop Illinois’ continued descent to the basement in every economic category and open government to provide access to the public and accountability for officials,” said Sandack.

House Republican Leader Tom Cross said, “Sandack is a strong pillar in his community and the kind of legislator that will help turn Illinois around. He has led by example in the State Senate and I am confident he will continue to be a valuable asset in the State House.”

Upon being sworn in as State Senator in November 2010, Sandack rejected any benefits associated with his position, including the generous health and pension benefits. Sandack said he declined the benefits for two reasons, “First, serving in the State Legislator is a part-time position which should be a position of service, and second, the state’s public pension systems are teetering on insolvency and are approximately 37% funded for the five state pension systems.”

About Ron Sandack

Ron Sandack, who was mayor of Downers Grove from 2007 to May 2011, is a partner at the firm of Gaido & Fintzen. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1986 and his Juris Doctor from DePaul University’s College of Law in 1989. Prior to his election as mayor, Sandack served on the Downers Grove Village Council. His service to Downers Grove began in 2002, with his appointment to the Village Liquor Commission.

Sandack resides in Downers Grove with his wife, Kevan and their two children.

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