President Wilson Could Never Imagine – Democracy Made Safe for Perversion

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

In a speech made by President Woodrow Wilson on April 2, 1917 he argued the reasons for declaring war against Germany. Of all that he said the one line most remembered and most often quoted has been, “The world must be made safe for democracy.”

No one minds being labeled a naysayer or a prophet of doom if he or she is charged by the love of country, driven by the inspiration of God and fully guided by the biblical and historical record that assures us that any nation that forgets God, is dooming itself, the voices of her prophets notwithstanding. The short version goes like this “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” (Psalm 9: 17)

In America it can no longer be said that we have forgotten God, but it would be far more accurate to say we are now fighting against God. Efforts to remove allusions to God from our public buildings, classrooms, cemeteries and military installations are only part of our futile warfare.

On the other side of the coin come the armies of darkness under the banner of political correctness, tolerance, diversity and civil rights covered under the first amendment of the Constitution. The nation is distracted by economic woes and thus has all but put moral issues on the back burner. It is this very pot on the back burner that is about to ignite and burn our lovely little house to the ground.

Someone with only a scant knowledge of our history who visited or moved to this country today, might conclude that now we are using all the best of our constitutional principles to make our democracy safe for perversion.

It all looks and sounds so very American but it is the battle plan of fools being guided by the spirit of antichrist. It will progress to its predicted fulfillment and it will for a moment in time look like a victory but the win is short lived. At its peak it will not last more than a mere seven years.

Shortly after giving my life over to God in a powerful conversion experience I decided to go see a John Huston film released in 1966 called “The Bible.” It is a film that shows the events of the Bible in a panoramic fashion, going from creation to Moses leading the children of Israel to their promised land.

One scene in the film stunned me and I thought Huston had overdone the effect a bit too much. In a scene where the Sodomites (Homosexuals) surrounded the house of Lot they were clamoring to come in or have Lot send out the men in the house so they could have sex with them. (Gen 19: 5)

In Huston’s flick the homosexuals were all dressed in carnival garb and some were not dressed at all. They were covered with body markings, tattoos and the strangest hair styles and colors I had ever seen. They had body jewelry and piercings from head to toe. They were openly making a show of sex and groping that looked like a mix of an orgy and a Salvador Dali painting. At the time it seemed extreme to me, but today I have seen worse, and unless you live deep in Middle America and don’t search the news too exhaustively you probably still think it’s extreme.

If, however, you have searched the internet, or been to a Southern Decadence celebration in New Orleans or a Gay Pride parade in San Diego you know that John Huston must have been a visionary. It may not be a vision we are happy to know about, but it was in many ways not nearly enough to describe what is going on in our nation today.

To say we are in the throes of a moral decline is an expression that is woefully inadequate to describe the nature of our fall. It is an ecclesiastical, theological, philosophical and ideological apostasy, which can only be described as, pervasive and degenerative. Extreme you say? If Hollywood can’t catch up to our reality, there is no place for the word, extreme.

The perversion is not limited to sexual preference but it is like the Kudzu of the Deep South which overnight crawls upon every object in its path and hangs there to promote its own life at the expenses of everything it smothers. It isn’t enough to have hate laws passed and to flaunt our license parading it as constitutionally provided freedom. Now we must liken, or equate the whole gay movement, with the civil rights movement of the early sixties, another obvious perversity.

Such perversion is not limited to the gay agenda but can be seen in the excesses of political correctness in every area of our ever morphing social upheaval. We cringe at the pictures of hooded KKK clansmen hiding themselves and their hatred behind whitewashed linen with small holes cut in the masks to allow the wearers to peer out at the activities and actions of others of like mind.

But now we see millions of supporters marching, arguing and defending the Palestinian movement. Secret soldiers (or cowards) also draped with white masks, green bands and slits to allow them to see the activities of their peers. Both groups emboldened with hate, both hiding behind whitewashed cloth, and yet we stand for one, and decry the other.

We talk of Al Qaeda as if this wounded group of extremists is alone the cause of all turmoil caused in the west, but battalions of parading Hamas and Hezbollah, accompanied on all sides by throngs of raving supporters are perfectly tolerable. This is perversion. This according to the voices of the new politically corrected and ideologically re-born, is a ‘hate group we can live with.’ For the sake of that elusive ‘world peace’ we can tolerate Muslim rage and hatred.

In America the perversion exists because we not only have turned against the clear warnings of God’s word concerning the sin of homosexuality (Romans 1: 1f) but we have chosen to move from ignoring that word, and those who stand by it, to isolating them and putting them down for their position. It is the wholesale penchant to allow anything by constitution, which is breaking the bond between us and our God and protector.

New York’s new laws allowing same sex marriage, the 155,000 attendants and supporters of the 37th annual Gay Pride parade in San Diego and now the passing of California’s SB48 which requires schools to teach gay history, are symptoms of a deepening national decline. It is born of political correctness that speaks to an almost total moral perversion of the national psyche. It is no longer just ignoring one or two biblical moral mandates it is the wound that is becoming gangrenous.

California’s SB48 is a direct attack on the innocence and future of children that in days of old would be equivalent to child abuse, but in the diversity movement of the day, it is heralded as a social achievement to be bragged about. It is in fact one of the most serious steps yet, in bringing God’s wrath to our nation. What prophecy or scriptural passage assures me of this? It is clear as a bell and I urge you to read it very carefully.

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt 18: 6)

Christians say little about the moral decline and when they do it seems they are a dollar short and a day late. They are taken up with theological arguments about the timing of the rapture, petty theological differences and the quest for the mega church that beats all others before it. Now some have started whole ministries to argue the possibility that the antichrist may be a Muslim.

While they are straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel they fly by the obvious such as the fact that if the antichrist were a Muslim he would be rejected out of hand by Muslims around the world when he casts off all gods including the god of his fathers and makes himself to be God according to Daniel 11: 37. The same verse also seems to indicate that he may after all, be gay.

While the bickering and general sleepiness persists among the believers the nation is going to hell in the proverbial hand basket. A few faithful voices can still be heard and revival stirrings can be heard among the ranks of the faithful as well.

For the rest of the nation it is clear that God is about to set down a mark or as we say in the common language, draw a line. It is when God sees that we have passed beyond the mark he has set for us. He has been patient and longsuffering but his patience has limitations. “If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?” (Psalm 130: 3)

From the Senate hearings led by Al Franken to determine a means to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act to the debauch on the streets of our cities our nation is satisfied to watch its better days slip into the dark cloud of collective reprobation. No one cringes anymore when the dog returns to its vomit. (Pr 26: 11) Our youth are advantaging each other in hot sexual pursuit like so many dogs in heat all the while no one seems to remember that even the wild beasts of the pack, the pride and the herd have enough cognizance of the voice of Mother Nature to leave those of their own gender to themselves.

Spoiled by years of complacence, past glories and victories we have slid along the smooth way in opulence and the lack of nothing, to the place where the mind can create its own world of unfathomed, howbeit, feigned freedoms. All this is done in the name of the revered document our founders provided for us to end subservience and tyranny and declared to be the very Constitution of these United States of America.

The sharpest minds have declared with no uncertainty that the Bible is an antiquated book of platitudes, poetry and fables for the very young or the very old. We cannot see like the criminal who sells his future for a single moment of greed or passion that we will one day long for the days of our freedom. Wisdom born of pride and nurtured by delayed recompense is thoroughly blinded to the fact that the scaled down wisdom of man is the key to the door marked, perdition. To wit: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Ro 1: 22)

God has allowed man to accomplish almost anything he can imagine but a single man is doomed to failure if he wavers. How can we believe that if we, as a nation waver from the course set for us by our founders, that we will continue in God’s favor and unending success?

“…For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.” (James 1: 6, 7)

Those who hold to the scriptures are not naïve. We know that homosexuals have been among us since the dawn of time. While most nations don’t see a rise in homosexuals until a kingdom or nation is about to fall, there is one big difference in the gay agenda today that has never existed at any other time in history. Today the gays are seeking and to some degree getting the protection of the law.

Wickedness without the law or under the protection of the law is still wickedness. The strength of the law is to aid the doer of wickedness in burying or searing the conscience. Paul said “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” (1Tim 4: 1, 2)

The law, combined with a scarred and insensitive conscience, has been engaged to allow the behaviors of men and women in the last days to go off the charts and is a prophetic surety. It is happening now, but it has an end. When all the props are removed whether social acceptance or the law, in the blaring light of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, what’s left of conscience will be seen sending them scrambling for places to hide. Even the little conscience left to them, will be sufficient to make them realize that; the jig is up.

Speaking of conditions at the very moment Christ appears in the eastern skies and begins his descent to the earth, the Apostle John describes the reactions of those who remain on earth and have not responded, repented or reacted with anything other than defiance. Here is the picture of those conditions. You do not see any pompous presidents, slick legislators or politicians, puffed up educators, or gay parades in this scenario.

“And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Rev 6: 15-17)
Rev. Michael Bresciani is the chief steward of The website has since 2005 featured the articles of columnist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.

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