Roskam Applauds GOP Jobs Plan

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (R, ILL)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam, Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after House Republicans unveiled a plan for America’s job creators that was built on the Pledge to America governing document.

“It’s no secret that the trillions in stimulus spending and a massive increase in government red tape has destroyed jobs and hurt our economic recovery. More of the same is a recipe for the same results. That’s why House Republicans have designed a plan that will remove barriers to job creation, empowering and helping families, small businesses, and entrepreneurs struggling to create jobs and spur our recovery. The threat of unsustainable government debt, increased regulations written by unelected bureaucrats, and energy policies designed to increase gas prices has cost us jobs and forced families and businesses to pull back from participating in the economy. The House Republican plan will help change that by returning confidence and certainty to job creators across the country.”

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