From the United Republican Fund of Illinois…
WINFIELD, IL – The United Republican Fund (URF) has released their 2010 Scorecard for members of the Illinois Legislature, and it shows a disappointing drop in URF LIFT Leaders compared to 2009 with four fewer LIFT Leaders in the House and two fewer in the Senate. However, the URF is optimistic for the future of Illinois with the election in 2010 of several strong conservatives and with the improvement in the lifetime scores of a number of legislators.
“This past session saw several bills passed, including a massive tax hike on families and businesses, that run contrary to our LIFT principles and are bad for the people of Illinois,” said Mike Uremovich, President of the URF. “We call on the Ninety-Seventh General Assembly to heed the growing voice of conservatives in Illinois and across the country. We will be watching and encouraging legislators to vote accordingly.”
Members were scored on legislation voted on during the 2010 session of the Ninety-Sixth General Assembly, with their votes evaluated based on the URF LIFT Principles.
URF Executive Director Dennis LaComb explained: “Our guiding principles are the URF LIFT Principles of limited government, individual rights, free markets, and traditional American values. We are proud of our URF Leaders, the legislators who held their ground on these principles and showed their backbone in the face of immense pressure by liberal leaders.”
The URF LIFT Leaders, those with a lifetime rating of 75% or higher on URF Scorecards, are:
Patricia Bellock, | Sandra Pihos, | Jil Tracy, |
Bob Biggins,
Mike Bost,
John Cavaletto,
Michael Connely,
Chapin Rose,
Kay Hatcher,
Darlene Senger,
Richard Myers,
Sen. Bill Brady, | Sen. Bradley Burzynski, | Sen. Gary Dahl |
Sen. Kyle McCarter,
Sen. Ronald Sandack
The United Republican Fund is Illinois’ oldest independent, Republican organization. Founded in 1934, the URF’s mission is to advance conservative Republican principles, policies, and people by equipping and electing to office men and women who endorse and promote the Republican values of limited and ethical government, individual freedom and responsibility, free markets, and traditional American values.