Roskam: Senate Continues The Status-Quo

From the Office of Illinois Congressman Peter Roskam (R, 6th District)…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip, issued the following statement after the two Senate votes on the Continuing Resolution:

“Today’s votes show a great contrast between those willing to do something meaningful for long-term job creation and those committed to Washington’s status-quo. House Republicans have already passed a serious proposal to responsibly fund the government while cutting back spending to pre-stimulus, pre-2008 levels. In contrast, Senate Democrats created a status-quo spending bill and then ‘drew a line in the sand’ against negotiating any more cuts. We need to find common ground to keep the government running while meaningfully cutting spending – it’s long past time Democrats settle their internal divisions and join the discussion with a serious proposal.”

Earlier in the Day, Roskam had this to say:

“This is a study in very clear contrasts. On the one hand, you have cuts that are adhering to the wisdom of the American public that was articulated in November, and on the other hand, you have defense of the status-quo.

“On the one hand, you have a clearly united Republican House Conference that says we need to take this challenge up and do it forthrightly, and on the other hand, you have ambiguity, disjointed leadership and a lack of direction.

“I mean, with all due respect to Senator Durbin, when he articulates ‘a line in the sand’ and that they’re unwilling to go [any] further, I don’t even think that’s a particularly serious point.

“I think it’s very clear that the American public has called this Congress to do the work that they have an urgency to do. And that is to cut and to create an opportunity for job creators [to] flourish.”

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