Say No to the Illinois Democrats’ 75% Tax Increase
Sign the Petition at
Governor Pat Quinn, Senate President John Cullerton, and Speaker Michael J. Madigan (who’s also the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Illinois) are trying to rush through a 75% Tax Increase in the final days of the lame duck session of the State Legislature.
This is the latest example of life in Illinois Madiganville.
While Illinois’ budget problems are grave, the answers lie in first attacking the excessive spending and enacting structural reforms that are needed before any new revenues are even considered. We cannot let the Democrats drive business out of Illinois and all of the jobs that go with it.
Madigan, Cullerton and Quinn talk a big game about reform and job creation, but they fundamentally lack the courage to make the tough decisions to put Illinois on solid financial footing. We are the only state in the union to push massive tax increases without accompanying spending cuts. Even other states with Democrat Governors like New York and California have recognized the need for cuts before tax increases. Reform exists everywhere but in Illinois Madiganville.
Please go to or to to sign the online petition to send a strong and clear message to Springfield: Say No to the 75% Illinois Tax Hike!
Sponsored by the Illinois Republican Party.
Please contact your State Representatives and tell them to VOTE NO on the tax hike. CLICK HERE for a list of our Illinois State Reps.