Obama is not my President: He Promised the Moon and is Bringing us Doom!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I never thought that I would make such a remark but then I never thought I would see the day that we would have an incompetent and socialist in the White House—even for a visit! Heaven help the U.S. if he is there more than four years.

I wrote during the primary, “The thought that such an ‘empty suit’ could even become a U.S. Senator is itself appalling and atrocious but a tribute to the effectiveness of the corrupt political system in Chicago. However, for him to think he is qualified to take the gargantuan step to the Oval Office is arrogant, asinine, and audacious. Have Americans lost their minds to think this phony savior can actually fill the shoes of former Presidents such as Ronald Reagan or Harry Truman?”

Well, he did get elected mainly because American citizens are lazy, busy, and a little crazy. Non-thinking Whites voted for him to prove they are not racists and Blacks voted for him proving they are racists. (Some voted for him because they are ready to drink the Kool Aid.) Surely, no thinking person asserts that both groups did not consider his race when voting. Frankly, I don’t care if a candidate is white, black, or polka dot. His color doesn’t matter; his character and convictions do matter.

During the primary I wrote, “Obama is an impressive failure, but still a failure, and to present himself as presidential timber, is colossal egotism. He is like a 10-year-old Little League player who wants to play with the big leagues; however, he doesn’t qualify. Someone should say, ‘Young man, come back to see us in 10 or 12 years.’ Obama needs to grow up. After he has actually done something, then the voters can look at him seriously, but today it is embarrassing that more than his family and a few close friends would even consider voting for him.”

I added, “If American voters have seizures of dumbness and elect him President, he will drive this nation over the cliff at 100 miles per hour.” We are on the cusp of the abyss as I write. Here we goooooooooo!

Obama promised us the moon but is bringing us gloom and doom.

At mid-term, Obama faces astounding personal problems that threaten his career. Is he legally qualified to be president? Or even to live here? I don’t know about his birth certificate, but any sane person will ask, “What’s the big deal? Let’s see the original certificate and clear up the issue and make those on the right look like fools. After all, he could use some good news.”

His next big problem is his religious status. He claims to be a devoted Christian and while no one can know another person’s heart in that matter, there is no question that he is not a “devoted” Christian. Devoted Christians go to church regularly. They live a godly life. They tell the truth. Devoted Christians identify with Christ in scriptural baptism. No, Obama is not a “devoted” Christian.

His revealing statement: “I believe there are many paths to the same place” is correct if one wants to go to Hoboken but not if he wants to go to Heaven. Christ is still the only way. His statement reveals that he doesn’t even know what qualifies one to be a Christian.

I have tried repeatedly to discover when Obama was baptized but without success. I talked to and emailed the Chicago church where he was a member for 20 years without success. The media person at Trinity told me that the church requires baptism either before applying for membership or at that time. So, was he baptized and if not, why not? Did his pastor at the time, “Wild, Wacky Wright” make special provisions for him? It’s a very simple question that can be easily answered. If he has never been baptized, why not?

Baptism has always been the public mark of a personal decision to trust Christ as personal Savior. While most evangelicals and fundamentalists do not believe baptism is essential for salvation, we do believe that baptism is the public identification of personal faith in Christ. It is a break with past, denominational, and doctrinal errors and a declaration to follow Christ. Would public baptism be too much of a break with his Muslim past?

There is much evidence that he may be a Muslim and many would declare that such a thing would not be catastrophic; however, it would be proof that he is a liar. Moreover, while devoted Muslims are given permission to lie if the lying advances Islam, no Christian is permitted to lie, although we all know that that is an unfortunate reality at times. Muslims can even deny Mohammed as the Prophet of Allah as long as they do not mean it and if it helps their cause. It would help their cause if they had one of their own as president! Moreover, every Muslim is obligated to make the nation in which he lives a Muslim nation so I want to know about Obama and his baptism.

During an ABC interview, Obama spoke of “my Muslim faith” and was corrected by the host! Think! Is it possible that you could ever “misspeak” like that? Is it sensible to suggest that a Jew could misspeak by saying, “my Christian faith.” Or a Catholic saying, “My Baptist faith.” Or a Baptist saying, “my Mormon faith.” No person trained in communication psychology (or with simple common sense) would suggest that such mistakes are possible.

When you say, “You was wrong,” or, “He has went to the store,” or, “I seen him do it,” these are all misspeaking or grammatical mistakes; however, Obama was simply telling the truth in a momentary seizure of honesty. That moment of honesty quickly passed.

He is the President of the United States of America, but surely this is a bad dream that has become our worst nightmare.
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com.)

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