Congress Fails to Approve Budget; Rep. Hare Heads Home Instead

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

Schilling: “It’s disappointing that they are putting their own re-election efforts above the needs of the people.”

EAST MOLINE, IL–Bobby Schilling, candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, said he was disappointed that Congress decided to head home early and skip out on votes on important issues. Congress failed to approve a new budget for the fiscal year beginning today. They also failed to extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for any income tax level, resulting in higher income tax rates for everyone, including the lower and middle classes.

“It’s disappointing that members of Congress are putting their own re-election efforts above the needs of the people,” Schilling said. “Congress behaved irresponsibly by refusing to approve a budget or touch any issue that might be controversial. They let politics get in the way, and now taxes are set to increase for every American. That’s a shame.”

Schilling also criticized Rep. Hare for his unwillingness to even vote on the adjournment resolution. Congress voted to adjourn by a 210-209 margin, and Rep. Hare chose not to vote on the measure.

“By allowing this adjournment to happen, Rep. Hare allowed tax increases for all five income tax brackets, including the poor and middle class.” Schilling said. “He allowed our government to proceed into the next fiscal year without a budget. When faced with tough decisions, Rep. Hare apparently ignores the needs of his constituents and does what’s good for him politically. Our representation has failed us miserably, and we won’t forget that on Election Day.”
Bobby Schilling, a native of Rock Island, graduated from Alleman High School and attended Black Hawk College. Schilling, a local business owner, is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Bobby is running on a platform of bringing jobs and real representation back to the 17th District. Earlier this year, Schilling conducted a 34-city “Bob’s for Jobs” tour, where he met with voters and employers all across the 17th District. Schilling was recently named an official ‘Young Gun’ by the National Republican Congressional Committee in their Young Guns program of top tiered races.

For more information about Bobby Schilling, please visit his website at

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