Happy Birthday Samuel Adams!

From the Sam Adams Alliance…

Today is the 288th birthday of Samuel Adams–“founder” of the American Revolution.

Never heard of him? Or at least, only know about Sam Adams because you like the beer named after him? Well that’s a tragedy because in his day–way back in 1776–Sam Adams was considered the thought-leader and brain child behind the American Revolution. Our most famous founding fathers, including John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, all credited Samuel Adams with spearheading a movement that changed the course of not only American history, but also truly, liberty and democracy across the globe for generations to come.

Samuel Adams was a modest and humble man who used the communications tools of his time–the pen, newspapers, pamphlets, and person-to-person meetings, to generate a demand for independence against the encroaching suffocation that England was imposing on the colonies.

In fact, it was only Samuel Adams who actually put into words and paper the concept of starting a revolution to break away from King George.

Today, there are many movements afoot to create a political environment that is of the people, and not, the political elite. Sam Adams would approve–and he would have been on the front lines, writing, blogging, tweeting, and probably creating facebook pages, to promote individual rights.

In honor of Samuel Adams–the namesake of our organization, the Sam Adams Alliance–Director of Marketing and Research, Anne Sorock, has penned a blog in his honor–so that patriots across the country, can get a better taste of WHO this giant of liberty really was. According to Sorock:

It sometimes seems that the connection between today’s Tea Party activists and those of the 1773 is on the surface only. It’s true, today’s Tea Party activists love the red, white, and blue and revere the stories of those who met tyranny with resolve and courage “on their sleeves.” But I think Samuel Adams would have felt more at home with these people than with those in Washington. . .

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Happy Birthday Sam Adams!

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