Those (Liberal) Voices Don’t Speak For The Rest of Us

The Republican Study Committee has unveiled a great ad contrasting what Republicans believe and what Democrats believe. Juxtaposing one of Reagan’s great speeches with the words of the Democrats of today, the ad shows how Republicans venerate freedom while Democrats venerate their own power and an ability to command and control all of us. As Reagan said, “Those Voices Don’t Speak For The Rest of Us.”

The Reagan part was pulled from his “A Time For Choosing” Speech from 1964. View the speech HERE.

The only problem as I see it with this video is that the viewer has to know all these people. They have to know who the Democrats are that appear in the video and that they are all from today. This ad is good for those informed enough but not good for those who are clueless as to who the Dems presented are. Still. It’s a good, powerful ad for those that are informed on who is who in Washington today.

It reminds me of my own video. I called it “They Tell Us What They Are.”

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