(10th District) Dold’s Fundraising Report

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Yesterday we filed our second quarter fundraising totals with the Federal Election Commission. We raised approximately $561,000 and have $722,000 cash on hand, almost identical numbers to our opponent. We’re well-positioned to take Robert’s message to voters through television, radio and internet advertising, and we have to keep our fundraising push going strong!

Our grassroots volunteer team is also up and working hard for Robert in the district. We’re phone banking every day, and this week the team made more than 9,000 calls to 10th District voters. They gave out yard signs, campaign literature and thousands of bumper stickers across the District.

All of this shows a growing momentum in the campaign. Robert is meeting with hundreds of voters each week and even more are touched by his message through the volunteer efforts.

To learn more about how you can join the team, click here.


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