America Speaks Out June 26th, Navy Pier‏

From Americans for Prosperity…

Our friends at “America Speaks” have requested assistance in driving activists to a very interesting event next Saturday. Please take the time to read the below information and determine if you can join them on June 26th at Navy Pier.

Joe Calomino
State Director
Americans for Prosperity


As you know, our national debt has just exceeded $13 TRILLION. What many people don’t know is that our unfunded liabilities for the next 50 years (promises of future spending on programs like Medicare and Social Security) come to between $70-$100 TRILLION. This is not speculation, this is math, and will break our country if we don’t address it.

On June 26th from 10:30am-5pm at Navy Pier in Chicago, there will be a national conference on these issues. YOU CAN TAKE PART. Nineteen cities will be linked up by satellite and webcast as we discuss the federal debt and how to address it.

Liberals will be bringing their views, so we need to make sure that FISCAL CONSERVATIVES bring their views too. Several hundred people will be at the Chicago site to take part. Registration is FREE and lunch is provided.

To register, just follow the “JOIN THE DISCUSSION LINKS” on this web site:

The format for this meeting is powerful. People will sit at tables of 8-10 people with a trained facilitator who will be following the lead of the main moderators out of Philadelphia.

The attached agenda and Budget 101 document will be coupled with a participant guide leading people through a series of questions that will lead to:
· a declaration of the values participants hope will guide decisions the President, the President’s Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and members of Congress will make on the budget/deficit.; and recommendations for actions to take on both the revenue and spending side of the equation.

Conservatives, liberals, and non-affiliated’s will sit at every table. People of different backgrounds and walks of life will participate. Questions will be discussed with every individual having a chance to debate.

Laptop computers will capture the table conversations and keypad polling will enable each person to vote to establish priorities. At the end of the day, everyone will receive a written summary of the results with a full report to be released about two weeks later.

This is going to be BIG. If conservatives don’t show up, the Left will get the microphones – and the news coverage – to themselves. The Left will get a jump on framing this important debate.

Register and participate to ensure conservative views are at the table. THIS IS THE MAKE OR BREAK ISSUE FOR OUR NATION.


Wear your favorite patriotic T-shirts. Tell your friends and bring them too. Have fun! But most of all, REGISTER AND TAKE PART – IT COSTS NOTHING.

You may not change the minds of people who are invested in their ideology. But there will be many who are new to the political process who will be receptive to what you have to say – especially young people.

Copyright Publius Forum 2001