Dold for Congress Updates

From the Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

Washington, D.C., June 7, 2010 — The National Federation of Independent Business, America’s leading small business association, announced its endorsement of Bob Dold in the race for the open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois’ 10th District.

The endorsement comes from NFIB’s Save America’s Free Enterprise Trust, the association’s political action committee, and is based on positions on key small business issues.

“As a small business owner himself, Bob Dold understands the issues and challenges that entrepreneurs face every day,” said Lisa Goeas, NFIB’s vice president for political operations.

“In addition, his policy positions on healthcare, our number one issue, are very much in line with NFIB’s. He focuses on the importance of tort reform, creating the ability to purchase health insurance plans across state lines, and creating greater transparency in medical care costs.”

Come hear Robert’s Presentation on his recent visit to Israel and views on the Middle East

Robert returned from a five-day visit to Israel last week. This was an incredible trip that allowed him to witness, first-hand the current security challenges in the Middle East. Robert invites you to join us in Deerfield, on Monday June 14th, where he will share his experiences from the trip, and how they impact his positions on U.S. foreign policy and commerce. The presentation will take place at the Patty Turner Senior Center in Deerfield at 7:30pm. All our welcome!

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