The Tax Drumbeat Begins
There’s no debate that Illinois is a financial disaster—and in yesterday’s state budget address, Governor Pat Quinn proposed his preferred solution: a 33% income tax increase, plus increased spending. Institute CEO John Tillman appeared on Chicago Tonight to talk about Springfield’s real problems—and solutions that don’t involve emptying taxpayers’ pockets.
What Would You Cut?
How much would an average Illinois family have to pony up for Governor Quinn’s tax hike plan? Our latest report, “What Would You Cut?”, spells out the depressing details. Meanwhile, while asking families to cut deeper into their budgets, Quinn is also proposing to hire even more government employees. Kristina Rasmussen reports on this and all the latest state budget news at our blog–check it out!
OK, So What’s Your Plan?
We’re glad you asked. We’ll be releasing our comprehensive alternative state budget next week, which tackles the root causes of the Illinois budget crisis without raising taxes. Stay tuned…and if you’d like to chip in to support our work for better public policy in 2010, click here.
Hey, Gotta Put That Carbon Somewhere!
In 2009, Illinois government spent $250,000 on digging a hole to store carbon dioxide…in Kentucky. Yes, you read that right. Read the whole story here, or visit to uncover your own state spending snafus.
Lies and Statistics
Where do they come up with those headlines? Sometimes the news media reports the darndest things, and Jerry Agar points out three doozies this week.
In Case You Missed It…
This week, the Institute was featured in the Southtown Star, Fox News Chicago, and Chicago Public Radio for its budget work.
Upcoming Events
Tired of sitting in traffic? According to transit expert Randal O’Toole, all that road congestion may not be a mistake, thanks to government planners. Learn more about how we can stop the gridlock at our next Chicago policy breakfast on Tuesday, March 23.