Illinois Conservative FaceBook Group Switches Comptroller Endorsement

The new FaceBook Group called Illinois Conservatives has switched their endorsement for the Comptroller’s race. Initially they picked William Kelly for Comptroller, but now they are switching to Jim Dodge.

This from the Rockford, Ill. based group:

The Illinois Conservatives Facebook group would like to announce a change in endorsement for the office of Comptroller in the 2010 Primary Election. Instead of endorsing William J. Kelly, we have collaboratively voted to switch our endorsement to Jim Dodge of Orland Park, Illinois.

Jim’s service in the National Guard as a Sergeant in the 178th Infantry Battalion and 44th RAOC from 1988-1998 shows his love for his country and that is one of many qualities we admire about Jim. His experience in marketing research, consulting, and technology shows he has interest in the people of Illinois aiming all of his efforts to pleasing them. Jim is a family man and his values are rooted deep within his family. There is no doubt that Jim Dodge is a candidate we would endorse.

The comptroller office is the one responsible for Illinois’ checkbook. This office is in charge of the state budget information, which includes state revenues, expenditures, and vendor payments. We want Jim Dodge in this office because he cares about our money here in Illinois. He will make sure that our money will be spent correctly as he says:

“Illinois needs a strong leader with the right business skills to accurately keep track of the state’s finances and call to task the legislature and governor when they inappropriately spend your money. One of my goals is to make sure that you, the residents of Illinois, have the facts about what is happening to your money because it is your money.”

The Illinois Conservatives Facebook Group wants Jim Dodge for Comptroller 2010. We urge you to exercise your right to vote on February 2, 2010.

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