The NEW GOP Website ‘Something is Happening… and its YOU’

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Republican National Committee has launched a new website geared heavily towards social media, a good move in an age when these services are becoming increasingly popular with and important to political grass roots movements.

Check it out at

When you get there, a mini Michael Steele, current Party Chairman, will walk out onto the screen and give you a little introduction to the website ending his presentation by saying, “At something new is happening. And that something is you.”

Like I said, there is a great emphasis on FaceBook and Twitter as integral parts of the communication apparatus of the site, so the GOP has done a good thing with that emphasis.

As to graphic presentation, I like it. It’s clean, roomy and easy to read. (One small quibble, when clicking the current video on the main page it launches with no controls, so there is no way to pause the thing)

There is a fun new “GOP Faces” page where, after you’ve created an account, you can upload your photo and tell the world in 128 characters of less why you are a Republican.

I think this is a solid effort. An A+ from me.

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