Welcome to the Voter Integrity Project’s Operation Stop Ohio Vote Fraud
We all know of the massive fraud that certain groups are perpetrating during this election cycle. There is great concern this year over the many millions of fake voter registrations being foisted upon Secretary of State offices nation wide by groups such as ACORN and sponsored by the Democrats. It’s obvious they are trying to steal this election.
To shine the light of truth on these illegal efforts the Voter Integrity Project was launched in October of this year. Our goal is to seek out and highlight voter fraud throughout the country in a concerted effort to defeat fraud and abuse.
Along with the Voter Fraud Squad and the Wiki site ballotpedia.org, we hope this project makes a difference.
Operation Stop Ohio Vote Fraud is a collective community of Ohio bloggers gathered together to halt these practices that threaten to destroy our American system.
If YOU are an Ohio blogger that would like to help, register here, leave a comment that you’d like to join, and then I’ll set you up as a writer on this site.
Weapons of Mass Discussion
Matt Hurley
Tom Blumer
Publius’ Forum
Warner Todd Huston
Thurber’s Thoughts
Maggie Thurber
The Buckeye Institute
Matthew Naugle
Return of the Conservatives
Darth Dilbert
Swamp Bubbles
Chris Myers
Be sure and return to this spot over the next week and stay updated on all the voter fraud news from Ohio.
Our Stories Covered So Far (newest at the top of the list):
Franklin County, Ohio Vote 2008: Final Report
-By Warner Todd Huston -
100,000 Georgians Also Registered to Vote in Ohio, Other States
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio: Absentee Ballots With Errors To be Sent Back to Voters
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio: My Second Precinct Visit
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Confusion at Toledo, OH, polls
-By Maggie Thurber -
Voter Protection Institute not following rules in Toledo?
-By Maggie Thurber -
Ohio: My First Precinct Visit
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Who IS Stealing Ohio’s Election?
-By Warner Todd Huston -
I Voted Last Monday
-By Daniel Williamson -
The Dead Voting In Cleveland
-By Warner Todd Huston -
John Fund on ACORN’s Ohio Vote Fraud
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Pizza Joint Supplies Free Pizza to Voters… But Who’s Paying This Bill?
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio: Out-of-State Voters not Cross-Checked With Out-of-State Votes
-By Warner Todd Huston -
NY Activist Caught in Ohio Vote Fraud Claims Innocence
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Voter Dead Since 2007 Registered in Nearby County, Voted in March Primary
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Boehner calls for U.S. Prosecutors to Monitor Polls in Ohio
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Vote Fraud: Trouble With 70 Absentee Ballots in Miami County
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Vote Fraud: Connecticut Visitor Says He Cast Early Cincinnati Ballot
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Sheriff called in to investigate suspected voter fraud in Miami County
-By Maggie Thurber -
Ohio Elections: ACORN Worker by Day, Prostitute by Night
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Illegal Democrat Electioneering at Ohio Polls, Butler County
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Boehner Urges DOJ to Reverse Controversial Decision
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Secretary of State Linked to ACORN, Project Vote
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Feds: Brunner Doesn’t Have to Reveal Voter Mismatches
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Prosecutor: If You Don’t Live in Ohio, DON’T Vote Here
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Obama, Alinsky and voter fraud in Ohio
-By Maggie Thurber -
Rep. Boehner Demands Voting Laws be Followed in Ohio
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Brunner’s ties to ACORN run long and deep
-By Maggie Thurber -
Grandmother With Alzheimer’s Suddenly Registers to Vote in Ohio
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Tennessee may have its own version of ACORN
-By Warner Todd Huston -
More ‘Voters’ Than Actual Adult Residents in Missouri?
-By Warner Todd Huston -
New York Dem Fires Staffer For Ohio Vote Fraud Case
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Dem. Sec of State Ignoring Ohio Vote Fraud
In Ohio, Now A Park Bench Qualifies as an Address for Voting
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Indiana Sec of State Links ACORN to Vote Fraud
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Cash Prize for Your Election Fraud Video!
Governor Warns of Massive Vote Fraud in Missouri
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Vote Fraud: Obama Lawyer Threatening Bloggers
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio A Hotbed of Vote Fraud in 2008
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio Sec of State Jennifer Brunner’s Partisan Playbook
-By Warner Todd Huston -
Ohio vote fraud: here’s the evidence
-By Maggie Thurber -
Ohioans Against Vote Fraud
-By Warner Todd Huston
I guess if you believe that there was vote fraud in the 2000 election it makes sense to expect retribution.
My question is if all that can be done is done and there is no evidence of tampering and Ohio still goes for Obama then what?
What do you man, “then what”? IF there is no fraud proven then nothing. It is a legal vote and stands true.
We conservatives aren’t like you anti-democratic, anti-constitutional lefties. If it is a legal vote (just like 2000 was) then it is over.
Actually I am quite the lefty, left handed that is. I have been investigating crimes all my adult life and the voting in Florida was not clean, and if it swung the other way for Gore you would be shouting that from the rooftops.
I don’t like cheaters no matter who is doing it. I have seen cheating done by both sides and it is totally uncool, to be polite. I guess we can trade Ohio for the skank in Pittsburgh faking an assault. How many legitimately assaulted women will not be taken seriously because of her? THAT IS WRONG!
Believe me if the Republican lose Ohio I am sure you’ll be screaming fraud from the rooftops and if Scalia gives it his blessing I am not so sure you can swallow that so easily. My guess if you see the humanity of a judge as I do.
I guess we’ll have to see what the judges do if it comes to that.
You assume an awful lot.f Of COURSE I’ll be “shouting” but ONLY depending on the circumstances. If Ohio goes convincingly for Obama, why would I “shout”?
Certainly there is major trouble with our system, not just Ohio but everywhere. With law breaking leftist agencies like ACORN out there purposefully trying to game the system, we need more vigilance in our system. We need better ways to cross check registration, etc.
But, again, if Ohio goes convincingly for Ohio, I have no qualms about accepting the verdict.
Even if it is decided in the SCOTUS and Obama wins, THAT is the proper system. We do not elect presidents by popular vote and shouldn’t. The Electoral College is the method and it that is above board, again, I am fine with that.
Unlike you in reverse, I can see many ways that I’d fully accept (tho not like) an Obama win.
By the way, I am amused by your Internet name. I always say BEWARE those who put the word “truth” in their Internet names. It is ALWAYS the first sign that spin and lies is all you’ll really get.