Our Newet Op Ed

Heaven Sent (The Court Gets It Right, But The Activist Doesn’t)
– By R.A. Hawkins

The seventh circuit court of appeals just got one right. I was hoping that one day we would see some good come from all of these criminals studying law and suing the government.

It started with a prisoner that was not allowed to form an atheists study group because atheism was not considered a religion. After much deliberation the seventh circuit court decided that atheism is actually a religion. I guess they decided on the fourth entry for religions definition. I can’t say that I disagree with them on this matter either. The fourth definition is “A cause, principle or activity that is pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.” The seventh circuit court decided that atheism is actually a religion.

Many of us have watched the train wreck of our society from the sidelines as atheism was treated as not being a religion. Now that it is considered a religion the playing field will be given a chance to be leveled. I hope this makes it all of the way to the hallowed halls of the Supreme Court so that it will become permanent…………..
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