Our Newest Op Ed

Who Cares What Her Son Believed? Cindy Sheehan has an Agenda
– By Justin Darr

On April 4, 2004, Army Specialist Casey Sheehan died for his country and for what he believed. After enlisting in the Army in 2000, Casey Sheehan reenlisted for a second tour knowing full well that he could be sent to fight in Iraq. In late March, 2004, he was stationed with the 82nd Field Artillery Regiment as a mechanic. Despite the fact Sheehan was in a noncombatant position with the Army, in his first week on base, Sheehan volunteered to go on a dangerous mission into the heart of the Iraqi insurgency in Sadr City and was killed in action. These are the acts of a hero, not unlike thousands of others in the armed forces who sacrifice, and sometimes die, daily for our country.

While it has not been reported what Casey Sheehan’s views on the War in Iraq were, it is rather obvious that if he thought he was wasting his time, or participating in an immoral and illegal action, he would not have reenlisted. Nor, would he have placed himself willingly into the line of fire knowing full well the possible consequences of his actions. Casey Sheehan was a patriot who showed through his deeds the bravery and determination that can only come from a person who deeply believes in the cause for which he is fighting.

Well, somebody should let his mother know this, because Cindy Sheehan has decided to use her son’s flag draped coffin as a soap box to shout out her personal leftist beliefs that are completely contrary to those of her son ………….
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