Terrorist to ‘Lecture’ Illinois Kids

-By Warner Todd Huston

Dear Illinois,  
Thanks for Paying me to talk to your kids.  
Love, Bill Ayres,  
writer, teacher, terrorist

Illinois you have the honor of seeing your tax dollars go to pay terrorist William Ayers to “lecture” students at the University of Illinois. Not only will he be “lecturing” your students for a week at the Urbana campus, but your tax dollars at work will afford him free room and board at Allen Hall, as well.

Isn’t it heart warming that this killer and hater of America is being paid state dollars to help teach your college kids? Doesn’t it make you all warm and squishy inside that this anti-American, hater is there in Urbana to spread his lies and destructive ideas among the students he encounters there? And doesn’t it make us as a society so smart and open-minded to allow enemies to nurture our youth?

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Terrorist to ‘Lecture’ Illinois Kids”

Petition drive launched for civil rights in education

-By Israel Teitelbaum

Parents representing a cross section of society have launched a petition drive on behalf of proposed federal legislation dubbed the Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity (CRA for EEO). The text of the petition reads as follows:

“ ‘…The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness…And we will transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age.’ President Barack Obama (January 20, 2009)

“Although America has long recognized that a nation, founded on individual liberty, requires equal opportunity in housing, employment and public accommodations, state governments and the District of Columbia financially coerce parents to send their children to government run schools. This is the greatest government-sanctioned violation of civil rights in today’s America.

“The Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity will mandate equitable funding for children in non-public schools, while respecting the liberty of schools in hiring and provision of services. In accordance with the 10th Amendment, academic standards and means of funding would be left to the states.
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President Barack Obama’s Inauguration Speech

-By Israel Teitelbaum

If I were President Barack Obama’s speechwriter, I would begin this way.

Good afternoon fellow Americans:

Thank Heaven and thank you American People for this opportunity to serve our great nation, and help bring the change that is desperately needed by every man, woman and child in the USA. For far too long, government has reached well beyond the dictates of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, and usurped the rights of moms, dads and children all across America, depriving them of their individual and religious liberty. Our state and local governments have interfered with parents’ right to raise their children to become contributing and law abiding citizens, who respect the rights of others and remain loyal to their family traditions. The results have been devastating to our families and communities.

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About School Choice

-By Adam B. Schaeffer, Ph.D.

This year’s K-12 Education Reform Summit conference delivered yet another line-up of great information and hard questions. I’d like to follow up on one of the most important questions raised during the conference; are education tax credits more viable than vouchers?

If we hope to succeed against the power of the teachers unions and entrenched political interests, we need to approach this issue in the most careful, systematic, productive way we can. With that in mind, I’d like to pose a few follow-up questions that might shed some light on the debate . . .
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