-By Warner Todd Huston
Dear Illinois,
Thanks for Paying me to talk to your kids.
Love, Bill Ayres,
writer, teacher, terrorist
Illinois you have the honor of seeing your tax dollars go to pay terrorist William Ayers to “lecture” students at the University of Illinois. Not only will he be “lecturing” your students for a week at the Urbana campus, but your tax dollars at work will afford him free room and board at Allen Hall, as well.
Isn’t it heart warming that this killer and hater of America is being paid state dollars to help teach your college kids? Doesn’t it make you all warm and squishy inside that this anti-American, hater is there in Urbana to spread his lies and destructive ideas among the students he encounters there? And doesn’t it make us as a society so smart and open-minded to allow enemies to nurture our youth?
Terrorist to ‘Lecture’ Illinois Kids”