Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms

-By Warner Todd Huston

On Tuesday, December 13 a rally was held near the LBJ Library at the University of Texas, Austin to highlight the attack on election reforms launched inside by U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder went to Texas to denounce the Lone Star State’s voter ID laws and claimed that simple voter ID laws were somehow discriminatory. Holder ominously claimed that he would use the power of his office to “enforce civil rights protections” during the upcoming 2012 elections.

Outside the LBJ Library nearly 200 citizens gathered to hear a multi-racial panel of six speakers denounce Holder’s partisan attempts to push the administration’s agenda to turn a blind eye to continuing voter fraud that consistently favors candidates from the Democrat Party.

The rally was sponsored by the Houston-based True The Vote, a grass roots voter integrity project staffed by volunteers. True The Vote is a nation-wide organization that has affiliates across the country, every day citizens interested in the integrity of the elections in their home district.
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Austin: Successful Rally to Oppose AG Holder’s Attack on Election Reforms”

Racist Union Hypocrites

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unions are at the head of the critics on the left that claim that voter ID laws are raaaacist and suppress the minority vote. Yet, as Christian Adams’ Election Law Center blog notes even unions require their voters to show their ID before voting.

A picture is worth a thousand words. According to unions belonging to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) have donated over $26 million to Democratic candidates and causes since 1990. During that same period, the union gave a paltry $272,311 to the Republican Party.

As you’ll note in the photo below the union requires its own members to produce a photo ID in order to vote. The photo shows a union worker voting earlier today on whether to sanction a new four-year contract with Boeing, clearly the union understands the need for a picture ID in order to help guarantee a clean election:

In America, one needs an ID to vote in a union election, buy liquor, drive a car, board an airplane, use a credit card and a slew of other things in our society. Yet, the Democratic party refuses to back the idea of requiring an ID to vote in state and federal elections under any circumstances. A sensible voter ID law that respects the rights of the poor, elderly, and minorities is a great idea. What are Democrats afraid of? You connect the dots.

Yet another example of how leftist and Democrats want to make rules for us to follow… but they don’t feel they need to obey them themselves.
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Racist Union Hypocrites”

John Fund on Why Voter ID Law is Good for Minorities

-By Warner Todd Huston

John Fund visited with Robert Bluey of the Heritage Foundation to discuss why voter ID laws are good in general but also good for minorities.

Visit The Scribe for more info.
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John Fund on Why Voter ID Law is Good for Minorities”

Texas Redistricting: Forget About ‘Justice,’ Obama’s DOJ is ALL About Politics

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama’s Department Of Justice claims that Texas redistricting is somehow “unfair” because Democrats have lost power. Therefore the DOJ is going to take the state to court over its new map. Yet, in Illinois, the Democrats have decimated Republican districts and slighted several Hispanic districts, yet the DOJ has turned a blind eye to pleas for redress there. This all tends to prove that Obama’s DOJ is less about “fairness” and more about politics. Sadly, Obama is playing politics with justice.

Only days after his inauguration in 2009 President Barack Obama warned Republicans that he wasn’t much interested in what they had to say on policy. In a meeting with congressional leaders he told Republicans “elections have consequences” and “I won.” Obama apparently wanted to stress that those that win elections should set the agenda and run the table. To echo Rep. Joe Wilson, Obama lied.

Take Texas, for instance. Thanks to two years of one failed Democrat policy after another and after two years of a sustained assault on American values, an attack on our business community, capitalism, and an avalanche of regulations quashing any chance of an economic recovery, the political landscape of Teas turned a deep, deep red in the 2010 midterm elections.
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Texas Redistricting: Forget About ‘Justice,’ Obama’s DOJ is ALL About Politics”

Vote Fraud Paradise in Maryland

-By Warner Todd Huston

Thanks to SB167/HB470, Maryland is yet another U.S. State attempting to reward illegal immigrants with free or cut rate in-state university educations all at the detriment to the real citizens of the state — and all without the direct vote of the people. But this state version of the DREAM Act has resulted in some other attempted skullduggery, mainly violations of the state’s voting laws.

Here is what happened. Two Maryland legislators, Senator Victor Ramirez and Delegate Sheila Hixson of St. George’s County, introduced the bill in question that gave illegals in-state tuition to the state’s colleges – in other words, illegals will be taking the place of actual citizens at the state’s colleges. Even as the bill became law, the people of Maryland were not too happy with the whole thing. So, in time-honored fashion, the people of Maryland took up petitions to try and have a voice about being rid of this rewarding of illegals.

As it happens the citizens against this Maryland version of the DREAM Act didn’t just collect the requisite 18,579 (or so) petition signatures, they collected 40,000! This made the supporters of illegal immigrants suddenly all upset, as you can imagine, and here is where the lawbreaking came in.
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Vote Fraud Paradise in Maryland”

Election Laws Need an Overhaul, Wisc. Case in Point

-By Warner Todd Huston

There is no doubt that our election laws are in serious disarray. So many laws and rules have been written and added to the plethora of rules and regulations that already exist that confusion is more likely the case than clarification. As several recall petitions in Wisconsin wing their way to a polling place near you (if you’re a Badger Stater), a case in point is a stupid Wisconsin rule that equates to the disenfranchisement of individual voters should things get dicey at the polling place.

Tucked away in chapter seven of the election officials duties publication from the State of Wisconsin is a rule that would essentially take away the legal vote of some undetermined number of voters if the polling place discovers that its vote count is higher than its number of registered voters in the poll book.

The idea is that if there are too many votes then the poll judges will “draw… by chance the number of ballots equal to the excess number” and put these votes aside. These votes will not count, either. That means that supposedly by random, some citizens will lose their vote because somehow or another the ballot box was stuffed with too many illicit votes!
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Election Laws Need an Overhaul, Wisc. Case in Point”

Vote Fraud in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

-By Warner Todd Huston

The leftists are at it again trying to steal the election to make sure that Judge Prosser firmly loses any recount possibility.

It appears that ballots are being illegally destroyed before they can be put into a recount in at least one county and in another the vote totals are not making much sense.

According to the initial counts, Judge Prosser lost reelection by only 204 votes to left-wing legal activist JoAnne Kloppenburg. There will naturally be a recount with a vote total this close.
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Vote Fraud in Wisconsin Supreme Court Race”

Left-Wingers Have the Cash To Constantly Beat Conservatives

-By Warner Todd Huston

As some of you may remember I have been covering the anti-vote fraud efforts of True The Vote, a program created by the Texas-based King Street Patriots. They recently sent out a fund raising letter that almost immediately drew the notice of left wingers intent on destroying their anti-vote fraud work. This immediate response by the left really highlighted how unprepared conservatives are to fight the left’s juggernaut machine.

The King Street Patriots (KSP) have raised several thousand dollars to fund their anti-vote fraud program, certainly. But, as everyone knows, when running an organization — especially a politically oriented one — money is always in short supply.

Catherine Engelbrecht, the head of the KSP, has told me that they’ve rarely resorted to asking for money in fundraising letters, but sent one out early this week to raise much needed cash. Engelbrecht told me that only hours after the letter went out to her supporters the left-wing website American Independent posted a story about the letter.

The quick jump on the fund raising letter by the left shows some major differences between the left and the right in political activism.
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Left-Wingers Have the Cash To Constantly Beat Conservatives”

A Nationwide Movement To Eliminate Voter Fraud Is Born

-By Warner Todd Huston

This past weekend the first national True The Vote Summit was conducted by the folks that successfully rooted out vote fraud in Harris County, Texas during the 2010 elections. Folks from 27 different states were in attendance to learn how the Harris County effort was conducted in hopes of replicating the same back home, but with the hard lessons already learned.

On Saturday those in attendance heard from True The Vote’s wizened members and learned what the best practices were to “true” the voting process in their own areas. Along with the True the Vote experts attendees also heard from the Wall Street Journal’s John Fund and election law expert Christian Adams. The day’s activities were wrapped up in a neat, if somewhat eccentric bow as those gathered heard an entertaining address by none other than our own Andrew Breitbart.

This event wasn’t just a rally cry for free and fair elections, though indeed it was that. TTV’s Mark Antill, Alan and Colleen Vera, Nancy Geigel, Vickie Pullen and the indefatigable Catherine Engelbrecht gave detailed information on how folks can set up their own poll watcher programs, told the summit goers how to keep the process free of partisanship, and discussed the ins and outs of the legal system they came up against when implementing their 2010 program. I even got a few minutes to let the folks know how to use the Internet and the New Media to help support their efforts back home.

But make no mistake about it. Despite what the left has said about this effort, their goal is not to inject a partisan agenda into our elections but to make sure that every election nation wide is free of fraud. Time and again TTV’s members told of how they worked hand in hand with Democrat poll watchers to make sure that everything was on the up and up during the elections.

Still this hasn’t stopped the left from whimpering.
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A Nationwide Movement To Eliminate Voter Fraud Is Born”

Free and Fair Elections True The Vote Style

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am here in sunny Houston, Texas attending the opening night of the True The Vote Summit and what a night it has been. We heard some inspiring speeches for this sold out event, saw some interesting attendees, and met an awful lot of great folks.

It has been thrilling to see several hundred handpicked Tea Partiers and local concerned citizens from 27 states here to learn how they, too, can stop vote fraud in their own districts using the methods learned the hard way in 2010 by the King Street Patriots here in Harris County, Texas.

You might recall back in Sept. of 2010 when the KSPers discovered an ACORN guy that had registered over 23,000 fake voters for the 2010 elections here in Texas. That was only the beginning of their efforts to root out vote fraud in one of the most corrupt Democrat controlled areas in the state.
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Free and Fair Elections True The Vote Style”

Activists in 23 States Coming Together in Texas to ‘True The Vote’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Note I am leaving for Texas on Thursday morning to attend this event. Just thought I’d repost it from earlier in the month…

Patriots and activists from 23 states are about to gather together on March 25 and 26 in Houston, Texas to attend the True The Vote Summit, an effort to make “true” the electoral system in every polling place in the country, to stop voter fraud, and to quash the intimidation of voters. Organizers hope to make sure that we again have free and fair elections.

A local Harris County activist group named The The King Street Patriots built the True The Vote Summit upon their experiences of attempting to “true” the 2010 election in Harris County, Texas.

Back before the recent election, the KSP got together to try and find out what sort of shape the voting rolls were in Harris County, Texas were. What they found was shocking. Due to its investigation, an ACORN organizer was exposed for having registered over 23,000 fake voters in the county. The story made national news.
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Activists in 23 States Coming Together in Texas to ‘True The Vote’”

Democrat Election Fraud: Fake Tea Partiers Charged

-By Warner Todd Huston

Early in 2010 two former leaders of the Michigan Democrat Party came up with a brilliant idea, one that has just gotten them charged with election fraud.

Back in May of 2010, it was discovered that a new party was circulating petitions to get itself official recognized by the state as an official political party. It was supposed to be called “The Tea Party.” Local activist and blogger, the late Chet Zarko, tracked down who was behind the petition drive and found that this “Tea Party” was being pushed by a group well known to be a fixture in Michigan democrat Party activism. This called into question the legitimacy of this “Tea Party” party.

Eventually it was discovered that the new “Tea Party” party was the brainchild of then Oakland County Democratic Chair Mike McGuinness and Democratic Operations Director Jason Bauer. They intended to use it to cause chaos on the ballot and split the Republican vote by fooling voters into thinking that a “Tea Party” candidate was, well, a Tea Party guy.
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Democrat Election Fraud: Fake Tea Partiers Charged”

Criminal Element: Ill. Democrat Was Convicted Felon Before Being Elected

-By Warner Todd Huston

It has been revealed that Illinois State Representative Robert Rita was a convicted felon before he ever ran for office for the fist time, a violation of state law. Being a convicted felon should have barred him from even running for office.

Lee Williams of the Illinois Policy Institute tells us that Rita, a Blue Island Democrat and a five-term state rep., has always been ineligible to seek elected office, absent a pardon.

Rita was convicted of DUI and attempted bribery in Nye County, Nevada in 1991. Lee Williams reports that this was confirmed by Jamie Kostiuk, a Nye County records clerk. Hard copies of the files, though, could not be located.

Lee Williams, however, tracked down some other sources of the conviction.
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Criminal Element: Ill. Democrat Was Convicted Felon Before Being Elected”

Dueling Interviews With Texas Senate Candidates Cruz and Williams

-By Warner Todd Huston

At CPAC this year, I interviewed two of the candidates for Kay Bailey Hutchison’s soon to be vacated Senate seat in the great state of Texas. And with two such fine candidates as these you really do have to call it the great state of Texas!

First up is former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz. His website can be found at

Next up and in alphabetical order follows Mr. Michael Williams. Mr. Williams is currently a commissioner on the Texas Railroad Commission. His site can be found at

Texas has an embarrassment of riches for senate candidates for sure.
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Dueling Interviews With Texas Senate Candidates Cruz and Williams”

Lefties Trying Preemptive Assault on Texas True The Vote Event

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left-wing website Talking Points Memo (known as TPM) is worried that the Tea Party-backed True The Vote effort in Harris County, Texas — home of the City of Houston — is going to successfully enlist Texans to join an effort to “true the vote” by battling vote fraud. Because of this fear, TPM has been trying to undermine the event with several left-slanted blog posts.

TPMs latest posting is artful for its vague accusations and spin, but it is short on any actual proof of the nefarious goals that the left-wing site is trying to ascribe to the True The Vote National Summit, coming up on March 25 and 26. Read closely TPM’s post also has the odd effect of coming to the support of vote fraud by seeming to discount the True The Vote event. Sadly, this dismissive attitude is of a piece with the left’s desire to shy people from paying attention to the massive vote fraud that they, themselves have been involved in for decades.
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Lefties Trying Preemptive Assault on Texas True The Vote Event”

2 Local Illinois Officials Get Jail Time for Vote Fraud

-By Warner Todd Huston

Cahokia, Illinois — Kyle Johnson and Trevon Tompkin, both former Cahokia Village Trustees, were sentenced to serve jail time for vote fraud perpetrated during the 2009 municipal elections.

Cahokia Village is a southern suburb of East St. Louis, Illinois, situated in the state’s south western corner across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri.

Kyle Johnson was given five years probation and 14 days in the St. Clair County Jail as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. Trevon Tompkin was given five years probation and ten days in jail.

Naturally none of the news reports mention the party affiliation of these fine examples of civic virtue.

(H/T MarathonPundit)
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2 Local Illinois Officials Get Jail Time for Vote Fraud”

Waste: Feds Gave ACORN Half a Million for ‘Fire Prevention’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller has another sad tale of massive government waste involving the criminal group ACORN.

Everybody knows about ACORN, the dead, but not really dead activist group charged with all sorts of improprieties and illegalities, the most significant of which is voter fraud, including registering Mickey Mouse to vote.

But how did ACORN, a “grassroots reform” group, get grant money reserved mostly for local fire departments to do “fire prevention” work?

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Waste: Feds Gave ACORN Half a Million for ‘Fire Prevention’”

VIDEO: Black Panther Agitation Erupts at Houston Polling Places

-By Warner Todd Huston

**NOTE** The video below is of eyewitness accounts. There is no video of the incidents inside the polling places because it is illegal to record either sound or video inside a voting place in Texas. If the poll watchers had video tapped these incidents they would have been arrested. In fact, the Texas Sec. of State and Harris County Attorney specifically instructed poll watchers to leave cell phones turned off in the polling place.

Here in Houston, Texas, the Democrats and the extremists that support them were desperate to make the King Street Patriots their boogieman. They desperately wanted these fine patriotic, all-volunteer, grassrooters to be seen as wild-eyed racists that had as their sole purpose the disenfranchisement of the entirety of Houston’s minority community. For the most part the left’s goal evaded them, however.

For the whole of the two weeks of early voting, the Old Media and the Democrats attempted to stir hatred for the King Streeters, but ultimately all the left’s sound and fury amounted to no benefit for their illicit cause.

The KSP reported over a hundred incidents of elections laws being ignored, bent, and broken during the early voting phase of the election. For two solid weeks the Old Media in and around Houston were abuzz with the Streeter’s efforts.

In the early hours of voting on election day, things went smoothly and generally without incident. But all was not entirely quiet for the whole day. The most egregious incidents were perpetrated by Quanell X (formerly Ralph Evans) local leader of the race-based, militant New Black Panther Party.
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VIDEO: Black Panther Agitation Erupts at Houston Polling Places”

Mental Health Facility Staffer Coerces Handicapped to Vote

-By Warner Todd Huston

In Crow Wing County, Minnesota voting for the mentally handicapped instead of allowing them to vote for themselves is apparently like “instructing a young child on how to stay between the lines when coloring.” At least that is what a staffer for a facility for the mentally handicapped was heard saying at an early voting poll place last Friday. The staffer was seen filling out ballots for people that hadn’t the slightest idea why they were in the polling place.

Brainerd resident Montgomery Jensen witnessed this absurdity as he participated in early voting himself on Friday and filed an affidavit with County officials about the incident.

Jensen said that he saw “a large group of mentally handicapped people were told whom to vote for by mental health staff members and that staff filled out the ballots themselves without the disabled voters close by.”
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Mental Health Facility Staffer Coerces Handicapped to Vote”

King Street Poll Watchers Absolved of Harassment

-By Warner Todd Huston

At one of the last poll watcher training sessions held by the King Street Patriots on November 1, Assistant Harris County Attorney Doug Ray made an admission that contravenes the media meme that charges KSPs poll watchers with harassing voters here in Harris County, Texas.

All week the media and Democrats have charged that voters were being harassed by King Street Patriots poll watchers and thus far county officials have not countered the claims being made by KSPs opponents. But this evening the myth has been busted.

During an address to those attending a late training session, attorney Ray admitted that most of the reports the county has gotten about “hovering” over voters has been blamed on poll judges and workers, not the King Street Patriots poll watchers.

In his first address to the room, witnesses heard Ray say, “There were lots of reports about poll watchers intimidating or ‘hovering’ over voters. We learned that those were actually poll workers for the county.”

After he spoke to those gathered, I asked Attny. Ray about his comments.
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King Street Poll Watchers Absolved of Harassment”

King Street Patriots And Voting Chaos: State Officials Don’t Know What County Officials Are Up To, Rules Terminally Unclear

-By Warner Todd Huston

For those of you following along, I have been here in Houston, Texas all week following the spirited, grassroots, all-volunteer efforts of the King Street Patriots and their True The Vote project as they fan out across Houston as poll watchers assuring that early voting has been free, fair, and legal. They are poised to do the same for November 2, the final day of voting.

It has been enlightening, not to mention educational, to sit here at the King Streeter’s HQ observing the poll watcher training sessions. Harris County Democrats have charged that the Streeters are “overzealous and undertrained,” but as I watched the extensive training sessions (some of them observed by Civil Court Judge R. Jack Cagle) it was clear that the Democrats are at once uninformed of what is actually going on here and engaging in mindless partisan sniping.
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King Street Patriots And Voting Chaos: State Officials Don’t Know What County Officials Are Up To, Rules Terminally Unclear”

Texas Patriots Facing The Left’s Smear Machine

-By Warner Todd Huston

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am here all week in Texas in Houston’s 18th Congressional District observing the energetic and determined work of the King Street Patriots as they implement their poll-watching initiative, True The Vote.

True The Vote made news early this month when initiative Chief Catherine Engelbrecht discovered that a former Service Employee International Union (SEIU) member had turned in over 23 thousand fraudulent voter registration cards. Englebrecht and the King Streeters then decided that they would initiate a grassroots poll-watching effort to make sure that the election was fair and that all laws and regulations were properly observed.

By the reaction of the well organized, heavily funded left, you’d have thought that the King Streeters had proposed shooting puppies.
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Texas Patriots Facing The Left’s Smear Machine”

Obama Justice Dept. Denies Military Vote, Blames GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

The head of the Obama Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, Tom Perez, admitted this week that he has no real intention of trying to assure that members of our military are afforded their right to vote, and will not attempt in a timely fashion to enforce the MOVE Act (Military and Overseas Voter Empower Act) intended to make sure that our soldiers get their ballots with time enough to return them so that they can be counted on election day.

Perez made a very weak pledge that the Dept. of Justice would, “continue to vigilantly enforce [the] law” to make sure the military votes are counted, but he made it clear that all he is prepared to do is sue states long after the November 2 elections are over. In other words, Perez is saying that the DOJ will sue states after the election, long after the votes go uncounted and our soldier’s votes are essentially taken away from them.
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Obama Justice Dept. Denies Military Vote, Blames GOP”

On The Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas

-By Warner Todd Huston

The left is in high dudgeon here in the 18th Congressional District in Houston, Texas. Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, a long-time left-winger, has held this seat since 1995 and she isn’t going to go away quietly. She is quite upset at the gall of a new conservative group that launched a poll watching effort in her district. In fact, Lee is so incensed that she has insisted that the Dept. of Justice launch an investigation of the King Street Patriots on trumped up charges that they have been harassing Hispanic and black voters here in Houston.

Lee has claimed that these all volunteer, Tea Party-inspired poll watchers have been intimidating minorities and has helped spread the false accusation that some shadowy, outside group has been funding them to target Houston’s minority voters.
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On The Road With the King Street Patriots of Houston, Texas”

Going to Houston, Texas to Track Voter Fraud

Dear Readers,

I have been contacted by Anita MonCrief and she invited me to Houston, Texas (Harris County) to track the voter fraud that is going on there. This is the district of one of the most corrupt members of Congress from the Lonestar State, Sheila Jackson Lee, and things have been heating up quite a bit there already.

I am flying out Friday morning so I am not sure just when I can get back to posting on the blog. Certainly I expect to be posting from the road, but there may be a day or so where I am not writing anything new.

I’ll be joining the King Street Patriots of Houston to track the left-wing intimidation they’ve been facing.

There are several things scheduled to be auto posted over the next several days, of course.

I will be back home on Nov. 3rd or 4th after the elections and will resume my usual posting at that time.

If I don’t get a chance to say it, DON’T FORGET TO VOTE! We need to stop this socialist destruction of the U.S.A. and vote put as many Democrats as possible.

In the meantime do take advantage of the archives.

Warner Todd Huston

Democrats Stealing Elections: Illinois Dems Deny Military the Vote in 2010 Election

-By Warner Todd Huston


The Dept. of justice is investigating whether the Democrat Secretary of State for Illinois has somehow forgotten to send thousands of absentee ballots out to members of the military serving overseas and in this close election climate in Illinois, these ballots now not to be counted could be decisive.

Federal election law, specifically the Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE), states that every state must mail their absentee ballots 45 days before the election. However, Cris Cray, director of Legislation at the Illinois State Board of Elections, has reported that some of Illinois’ voting jurisdictions have failed to mail ballots on time.

Reporters confirmed that Justice is investigating Illinois via a message from Justice Department spokeswoman Xochil Hinojosa.
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Democrats Stealing Elections: Illinois Dems Deny Military the Vote in 2010 Election”

Gains in Suburban Chicago Voter Registration Shows GOP Enthusiasm in Collar Areas

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chuck Goudie recently reported that voter registration is way up in the Republican dominated suburban Chicago and collar county areas this year while voters in the city itself has fallen slightly over last year’s registration numbers. The uptick in the suburbs seems to show that enthusiasm for Republican voters is much higher than that of city Democrats.

There has been a spike in suburban and collar county registrations and while city registration is 60,000 down from 2008, statewide registration is up from levels of four years ago.
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Gains in Suburban Chicago Voter Registration Shows GOP Enthusiasm in Collar Areas”

Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters

-By Warner Todd Huston

Former Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.

Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they’ve uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat “voters” in Texas.
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Texas: Former SEIU Member Registers 23,207 Fraudulent Voters”

Michigan Democrats Told Their Fake Tea Party Is Illegal

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Michigan Supreme Court has made the final decision eliminating the fraudulent “Tea Party” Party from the 2010 elections.

Two of Michigan’s Democrat appointed justices joined its small three Republican appointed contingent to declare the so-called “Tea Party” Party ineligible for the ballot.

For months various Democrats and union members have been trying to create a new political party in Michigan misleadingly named the “Tea Party” Party. 23 candidates had been slated from this Democrat dirty trick effort in order to confuse voters into imagining that they are voting for candidates that actually support Tea Party movement ideals.
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Michigan Democrats Told Their Fake Tea Party Is Illegal”