Top Ten most Left-Biased American Journalists – #1: Helen Thomas, UPI/Independent

-By Warner Todd Huston

We have finally reached the number one, most left-biased journalist in America today on our top ten count down and our most biased journo pick probably won’t surprise any of you. Even though she just “retired” due to her outrageous bias and hatred for Israel, we just have to give the number one most biased slot to the ever-vitriolic Ms. Helen Thomas, long time employee of United Press International (UPI) and later an independent Washington journalist.

Thomas was an over 50-year employee of UPI but in the year 2000 she quit the wire service because it was bought by News World Communications which is affiliated with the Unification Church. She was proud of herself, though, because according to her she was “never, never accused of bias” in her reporting.

“I worked for United Press International for more than fifty years, and I wrote straight copy. I was never, never accused of bias. I did not bow out of the human race. I permitted myself to care, to believe, to think. But I assure you, I assure you that it did not get in my copy.”

But that isn’t what her record says. Bias was epidemic throughout. In May of 2000 the MRC went back and found at least half a dozen instances where Thomas readily revealed her bias. Instances range from Ronald Reagan’s days in office up to the year 2000 when she quit UPI.
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Top Ten most Left-Biased American Journalists – #1: Helen Thomas, UPI/Independent”

UPI Coming to Joe Biden’s Rescue

-By Warner Todd Huston

As expected, Joe Biden is fast becoming the clown prince of Washington D.C. His never ending case of athlete’s mouth resulting from his penchant for sticking his foot between his chompers is something that should be no surprise to any long-time Biden watcher. But, amusingly, UPI tries to re-center the Biden story, rescuing him from ridicule, to discuss the supposedly important things that President Obama has entrusted to the vice president.

In “Biden soldiers on amid comedic jabs,” we find UPI trying to tell us of all the important, important stuff our gabby VP is in charge of. But even the UPI can’t hide the fact that these things that Obama put Biden “in charge” of are nothing more than meaningless make-work programs.

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UPI Coming to Joe Biden’s Rescue”