Occupy Chicago Sign: ‘Dear Rich Straight White Dudes, F**K Off’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Like the rest of the large cities in the US, Chicago is currently suffering with small pockets of Occupy protesters and their ever-present signs. And like every other big city these signs are often misspelled, sometimes profane, commonly anti-capitalist, occasionally anti-Semitic, almost always anti-American, not to mention merely ignorant of the facts. But one thing that is the same in every protest, at least in the media reportage of same, is that the worst of the signs go unseen by the general American news consumer.

Chicago blogger John Ruberry took his trusty camera downtown to the Windy City and captured some pretty representative signs the like of which were similar signs seen at Tea Party events would have made the nightly news programs for their outrageous messages.

For instance, there’s the one I note in the headline of this piece.

Now imagine if a Tea Party sign said something like, “Dear Gay Blacks, F**k Off.” The media would have lost its tiny hive mind over such a blatantly ignorant sign. It’s been two years of Tea Party protests and there’ve been few signs as blatant as the dozens seen at many of these Occupy-Whatever events.
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Occupy Chicago Sign: ‘Dear Rich Straight White Dudes, F**K Off’”

Suspected Terror Supporter Attacks Jews at Occupy Chicago

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago’s RebelPundit came across some of those nice Occupy Chicago folks wishing good thoughts for all the kind participants at the protest… they kindly wished that Israel be destroyed.

Worse, one of the guys these Occupy-Whatevers allowed to speak is a suspected funder of Middle Eastern terrorists.

Just like the left, eh? Haters, racists, and anti-Semites galore.

Note also that a Chicago TV station was filming the event. Note also that said film was never aired in Chicago.

The “news,” you see, don’t want to discredit the Occupy-Whatevers as much as they can avoid it.
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Suspected Terror Supporter Attacks Jews at Occupy Chicago”

Occupy Wall Streeters: Communists, Anti-Capitalists And now Rapists?

-By Warner Todd Huston

We know that the Occupy Wall Streeters are extremists in nature and far outside the American norm. We know they are communists, they hate capitalism, they are against the U.S. Constitution, American history and character, and believe in all sorts of wacky, fringe stuff. But thanks to Occupy Cleveland, we now see that they are rapists, too.

Nice, eh?

A young female student attending the Occupy Cleveland protests told police that she was raped by a male protester who was assigned to the same pop-up tent as she by the idiots in charge of the Occupy event.
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Occupy Wall Streeters: Communists, Anti-Capitalists And now Rapists?”

Lisa Fithian: Teaching Radicalism to Chicago Teachers Union

-By Warner Todd Huston

Violent, union thug comes to Chicago to fake teacher “arrests”

When people ask me, “What do you do?” I say I create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.
— Lisa Fithian

The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) trained under radical street organizer, and leader of the anti-capitalist #occupy movement, Lisa Fithian, to stage a protest march in Chicago on 10/10/11.

During this event, more than 20+ members of the CTU were arrested.

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Lisa Fithian: Teaching Radicalism to Chicago Teachers Union”

Occupy Wall Street’s Essential Hypocrisy

-By Warner Todd Huston

There are a few major reasons that this Occupy-Whatever “movement” is as hollow as a Halloween pumpkin. One is that they are employing the sort of rhetoric with their “we are the 99%” claim that they complained about from Tea Partiers and two that some of their spokesmen are not what they claim to be.

A particular hypocrisy from these leftists has been repeatedly seen over the last two years when Tea Partiers would say what “America wants” or couched their rhetoric in terms of the country as a whole should do as if all real Americans wanted what the Tea Party was working for. Liberals would immediately scold the Tea Partiers saying that Tea Party folks do not represent the left so they shouldn’t act as if “Americans” wanted what the Tea Party wanted.

Yet, here come these leftists to claim that they represent “99% of America”! Sorry, Occupiers, but you do not represent me or anyone I side with, so don’t claim you represent “99% of America.” In fact, you don’t even represent half the voting base as liberals consistently poll at less than 20% of the Democrat Party these days.

Heck, you Occupiers don’t even represent 99% of your own side of the aisle!
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Occupy Wall Street’s Essential Hypocrisy”

Occupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser, Conservatives Step in With $3,700 Fund Drive

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Greater Boston Food Bank intended to have a fundraising event in Boston’s Dewey Square over the weekend of the 14th of October. It was to be called the “Greenway Mobile Food Fest” and was supposed to help raise funds to feed the poor and needy. But due to the tantrums being thrown by the Occupy Boston protestors the event had to be canceled.

Despite the selfishness of these pointless, clueless protesters, though, conservative bloggers stepped in and raised over $3,000 for the food bank. An important question is, where is the media on this story? Isn’t this a perfect sort of human-interest story that media types usually love?

The media should love this. It’s got clueless, uninformed, cretins hurting an organization that helps feed the needy. It has a more caring group rising to the challenge to help replace those lost donations. Perfect story, right?

Ah, except that it is conservatives in the role of good guy and the Old Media can’t have that, now can they?
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Occupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser, Conservatives Step in With $3,700 Fund Drive”

Labor Unions Support Wisconsin Agitators

Until now many of the often-illegal antics perpetuated by several individual Wisconsin-based protesters appeared to be random acts committed by disillusioned agitators. But the MacIver News Service has learned that these acts have been highly orchestrated and perpetuated by an organization whose members are told to deny their involvement in the group. A group, we’ve discovered, which is financed by thousands of dollars from Big Labor.

With that funding comes clout. They have shared the stage with Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. They’ve hosted prominent Democratic legislative speakers such as Representative Cory Mason and Minority Leader Peter Barca, a rumored potential candidate for governor.

These protesters have played a key role in many of the most visible events in and around the State Capitol since February. This week, their organization was listed alongside the Democratic Party of Wisconsin and United Wisconsin as key organizers behind the efforts to recall Governor Scott Walker.

And they’re currently organizing and participating in many of the ‘Occupy’ protests in Washington, DC, New York and Wisconsin.

Bill Osmulski reports in this MacIver News Investigation.


Bad News For Illinois Teachers: Illinois is Broke and You Might Not Get Your Pension!

The unions and the Democrats are lying to you, teachers.

In Illinois we have a $140 billion retirement pension deficit for teachers, folks. Don’t let the unions lie to you all the way until you decide to retire only to find out you lost everything.

And you police, firemen, and other state employees… don’t think you are better off than the teachers. You aren’t.

Remy’s Occupy Wall Street Protest Song (Making Fun While Having Fun)

Hilarious, but with a message…

As the Occupy Wall Street movement spreads like a, well, financial contagion through global markets, intergalactic Internet sensation Remy and Reason.tv give the movement its anthem.

Written and performed by Remy and produced by Meredith Bragg from Reason.tv.

Finger-Waving, Child-Like Protestors Refuse to Allow Left-Wing Congressman to Address Crowd

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the funniest thing I have ever…

This is the funniest thing I’ve ever….

Seen in my life.

Seen in my life.

A bunch of child-like protesters in Atlanta, Georgia refused left-wing Congressman John Lewis — a civil rights icon to many — to be allowed to address the crowd this weekend. The whole scene is reminiscent of the worst, hackneyed, new agie-styled preschool program devised for 5-year-olds by one of the most idiotic leftists imaginable. But it makes for hilarious video entertainment.

Apparently these people decided that their “assembly” would employ pure democracy. But if there was ever a more annoying way to do it, I’ve never seen it.

A scraggly, bearded, hippie wannabe playing the part of the crowd’s conscience spoke to those gathered over a megaphone system. He would say a few words and the crowd would, like five-year-olds in a preschool class, repeat his words verbatim.

It went something like this:

Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy: “We have someone here…”
Dirty, Ground-Sitting Hippie Crowd in Unison: “We have someone here…”
Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy: “Who would like to address the assembly…”
Dirty, Ground-Sitting Hippie Crowd in Unison: “Who would like to address the assembly…”

So, Anorexic Hippie Megaphone Guy explains to the crowd that they don’t “use clapping” in their “assembly” because clapping can “prevent someone else who is addressing the assembly from being heard.” So, to “signal approval” the crowd is instructed to raise their hands and wiggle their fingers. I swear I saw this on Barney the Dinosaur show.
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Finger-Waving, Child-Like Protestors Refuse to Allow Left-Wing Congressman to Address Crowd”

New Bill Introduced to Roll Back Obama’s Anti-Business NLRB Rules

-By Warner Todd Huston

House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman Rep. John Kline (R, Minn.) is tired of sitting around doing nothing while Obama ramps up his extremely anti-business, anti-jobs regulatory regime. So Kline has introduced a new bill to roll back some of these harsh rules.

Since he became president Obama has been using his power to create regulations to push his pro-big labor, anti-business ideology. Obama knows he cannot get Congress to implement these anti-jobs regulations, so he has been quietly changing rules using his Dept. of Labor, the NLRB, and the EPA to hamper business and increasingly institute big government control over all our lives.
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New Bill Introduced to Roll Back Obama’s Anti-Business NLRB Rules”

Unions In for Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests

-By Warner Todd Huston

Looks like the Unions are now endorsing the unwashed masses infesting… er, investing Wall Street.

CNN has the story

Wall Street Protests Grow After Unions’ Endorsement

Wall Street protests swelled Wednesday to their largest numbers yet, after local unions pledged support to a third week of demonstrations against income inequality, corporate greed, corruption and a list of other social ills.

Thousands meandered from lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park — considered a rallying point for the largely leaderless group — to Foley Square near City Hall.

The crowd then looped back to the park, punctuating a 19-day protest that promotes a wide, if not ambiguous, range of messages.

Causes range from social awareness to radical change in America’s financial and political systems, while other participants appeared content to simply get caught up in the spirit of demonstration.

Still, while the fledgling movement has struggled in its definition, demonstrators appear steadfast in their general criticism of the country’s wealthiest 1% and its purported influence….

These fools really don’t even have much of a point to these protests. They have a mish-mash of stale, socialist/communist/anti-American blather and boilerplate left-wing nonsense, but no coherent purpose.

But that unions have joined them is more proof of how un-American unions have become.
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Unions In for Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests”

Former SEIU Boss Andy Stern Becomes Albatross

-By Warner Todd Huston

The board of directors at the bio-warfare company SIGA likely thought they had made the hire of the century last year when they took on former Service Employees International Union President Andy Stern. In fact, for a while, Stern, one of Obama’s most frequent White House visitors and close confidantes, seemed to bring the company good fortune.

In Stern’s first six months the company’s shares doubled in worth especially after it was awarded a humungous government contract worth up to $2.8 billion of our tax dollars.
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Former SEIU Boss Andy Stern Becomes Albatross”

The UAW’s Waning Days?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Reuters has a very interesting article detailing the fall of the United Auto Workers (UAW) in the modern era. It is a long article, but if you are interested in the way the UAW intends to keep itself relevant to the auto industry on into the future, it is worth the read.

It is also a good article if you want a glimpse of the possible end to the UAW. Its deep financial troubles, its steady loss of members and plants to represent, and its powerlessness to spread its cancer to other auto makers in the south is an ominous warning that the UAW might be headed for the dust bin of history.

Let’s not start popping champagne corks yet, though. We should not count the UAW out, of course, as it is still very powerful. But things are not looking good for the once supremely powerful union.
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The UAW’s Waning Days?”

President Obama’s NLRB & Their Summer Assault On American Jobs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama pretends that he wants to cut regulations and make it easier for businesses to make jobs. Unfortunately, what he says and what he does with his powers to regulate are two very, very different things.

From the Workforce Fairness Institute:
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President Obama’s NLRB & Their Summer Assault On American Jobs”

Chicago: Union Members Collect Millions in Tax $$ With Sweetheart Pension Deal

-By Warner Todd Huston

Now this is the sort of corruption we are used to seeing in Illinois, eh? This week the Chicago Tribune and WGN TV has found up to 23 retired union operatives that are collecting millions in taxpayer dollars because they had pals in government tweak the state’s pensions laws to favor them.

These former government workers that were government union members got pliant politicians to alter the pensions laws to say that their pension remuneration would be calculated not on the lower pay they received when they retired from government, but from the much higher salary they received when they worked as union operatives. These folks worked as union bosses at the same time as working on the clock for government.

The “luck” of former union boss and Dept. of Streets and Sanitation worker Thomas Villanova is a typical example. Villanova last worked full-time for the city in 1989 and made $40,000-a-year. But he was also a union big wig making $198,000 annually upon his retirement in 2008 at age 56. His city pension, it appears, was calculated on the union salary of $198,000 instead of his real salary of $40,000 — itself obviously a no-show job in the first place.

Villanova stands to make millions off the taxpayers.
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Chicago: Union Members Collect Millions in Tax $$ With Sweetheart Pension Deal”

Launch of Choice Media — Education News Service

ChoiceMedia.tv to Serve as Nation’s ‘Education Reform Homepage’

NEW YORK, NY, September 19, 2011 — Choice Media launches today, a non-profit news service devoted to covering all facets of K-12 education quality and reform.

“Education remains the most under-reported facet of American life by the traditional news media,” said Bob Bowdon, founder of Choice Media. “The coverage it does receive is often shallow and scandal-focused, with too little attention paid to the intractable systemic failures of a broken education model. Choice Media will attempt to reddress this imbalance.”
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Launch of Choice Media — Education News Service”

Intimidation: Obama’s Dept. of Labor To Supply Replacement Worker’s Names AND Addresses to Union Thugs

-By Warner Todd Huston

“Since 1975,” a study of union violence says, there has been “more than 9,000 reports of union violence.” With that in mind, wouldn’t it scare you if you were told that your name and address would be made public knowledge if you were hired as a temporary or replacement worker during a union strike? If you had any sense you sure would.

Well, now that is exactly what the Obama administration wants to do. Obama’s Department of Labor wants to make a new rule that businesses must disclose the names and addresses of individuals that are hired during strikes to replace unionized workers, whether permanently or temporarily.

With the long, long history of murder, property damage, beatings, and general harassment that unions have engaged in since unions came to this nation, the idea of having a worker’s name and address released to these union thugs so that unions can create hit lists of employees to attack is unconscionable.

Obama plans to put the property, family, and the very lives of thousands of workers in danger just so he can again give a big payoff to Big Labor.
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Intimidation: Obama’s Dept. of Labor To Supply Replacement Worker’s Names AND Addresses to Union Thugs”

Obama’s Pleas for Civility Don’t Apply to Union Leaders

-By Warner Todd Huston

Michael Barone, one of America’s premier political analysts, unleashed a corker this week looking over how sold out to unions our president as been. It is something that union watchers such as myself have been saying since day one.

It’s bad enough that Obama has been so bought and paid for by union bosses, but his hypocritical calls for “civility’ while he encourages unions, some of the most uncivil voices in politics, to continue their bellowing their rage and hatred is hypocrisy unmatched in any White House.

Barome says that Obama acts less like a president of the United States and more like a “shop steward in chief” as he panders to unions at every opportunity. He doesn’t just pander, either.
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Obama’s Pleas for Civility Don’t Apply to Union Leaders”

Lib Activist Physically Assaults GOP Lawmaker in Wisconsin, Media Silent

-By Warner Todd Huston

A known liberal activist that has for months been stalking several Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin, verbally abusing them, has finally crossed the line into a physical attack. So… where is the Old Media to chronicle this assault? Sadly, no where to be seen.

On Sept. 14 left-wing activist Miles Kirstan entered The Inn at 22 S. Carroll Street in Madison, Wisconsin, began to harass some GOP lawmakers patronizing the establishment, and ultimately attacked them, throwing a mug of beer on them.

The Madison Police Department confirmed to the MacIver Institute that the incident occurred and the group found that Republican State Rep. Robin Voss (Burlington) was the main target. Reps. John Nygren (Marinette) and Scott Suder (Abbotsford) were also a victim of the attack.

Kirstan is a well-known face among the extremists that have been railing against the Walker administration over the budget cuts and other legislative efforts.
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Lib Activist Physically Assaults GOP Lawmaker in Wisconsin, Media Silent”

Mich. House Moves to Ban Union Dues Deducted from Teachers’ Paychecks

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new measure has been introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives that would ban school districts from automatically deducting union dues from teachers’ paychecks and handing that money over to unions.

The practice of having state governments deducting dues automatically from state employees is quite common in northern and western states that are in thrall to the unions. It is a major payoff to unions to have governments automatically deduct dues from the paychecks of government employees, too.

It does seem odd that government is handling union dues, of course, but the reason it is done is because if government didn’t automatically deduct the dues and hand the cash over to the unions, those unions would have a harder time getting timely dues payments from members. If employees were responsible for paying their own union dues — as they should be required to do — then unions would find payment a bit less reliable than when government does the job.
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Mich. House Moves to Ban Union Dues Deducted from Teachers’ Paychecks”

Union Thugs Hurl Racial Taunts in North Dakota

-By Warner Todd Huston

Union-lovers and Democrats point to Tea Party enthusiasts routinely calling them “racists” and “violent.” Yet, since the Tea Party movement began, no racial epithets nor violence has been reported or proven. On the other hand, month in and month out we have seen one example of union members engaging in both racism and violence. This week in North Dakota we have yet one more example of unions acting like racists.

Police say union supporters have directed racial slurs and racist symbols at replacement workers and security personnel outside an American Crystal Sugar plant in North Dakota.

Last week we saw union members engaging in terrorist behavior when members of the Longshoremen’s union attacked the public docks in Longview, Washington. There union members destroyed property and took hostages in a dispute with management.

Unions are antithetical to rule of law. We’ve seen it over and over for decades.

Finally, as always, remember this: These are the people that Obama supports and that support Obama.
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Union Thugs Hurl Racial Taunts in North Dakota”

Obama Now Trying to Intimidate Consultants and PR Firms of Businesses

-By Warner Todd Huston

True to form, even as he says he wants to cut regulations, Obama’s regulatory army is marching hard against business and this week the president’s Labor Dept. has unleashed yet another salvo in order to hurt the business sector. Before I start this explanation of yet another Obama powergrab through his powers to regulate, may I remember you all that this president has made a big, fake show out of claiming that he wants to cut unnecessary regulations? While he says it a lot, he’s made few attempt to live up to the claim.

Now, in two weeks — Sept. 24 to be exact — the public comment period on Obama’s newest powergrab will be over and the Dept. of Labor will undertake to implement a new scheme to make it uncomfortable for PR firms. law firms, polling firms, and communications companies of all sorts to do business with companies that have employees, workers that might in the future be unionized or currently are unionized.

The new regulation by Obama’s Labor Dept. would force all “persuaders” to register with the government and disclose all their financial info to the DOL.
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Obama Now Trying to Intimidate Consultants and PR Firms of Businesses”

Union Members Take Hostages, Destroy Property: But Remember, Tea Party is ‘Dangerous’

-By Warner Todd Huston

After months of accusations that it is the Tea Party movement that is somehow “dangerous” to America, much of such rhetoric coming from union members and their supporters, we get union members of the Longshoremen storming the Port of Longview, Washington taking hostages, destroying property, and generally acting like lawless thugs.

Imagine what the news would have been if it were people identifying themselves as Tea Partiers that attacked a place, took hostages, and went on a protracted campaign of property destruction. There would have been congressional resolutions denouncing the Tea Party, there would be wall-to-wall coverage and ultimately multiple investigations from every corner.

Yet, since it was union members involved, we get a few passing reports in the media and we all move on to the debut of the new NFL season.
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Union Members Take Hostages, Destroy Property: But Remember, Tea Party is ‘Dangerous’”

AFL-CIO Prez: Hey, Remember 9/11? Was a Great Union Moment, Right?

-By Warner Todd Huston

In one of the most disgusting examples of the self-absorption of the union mind set, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka decided that his 9/11 memorial would not be much about 9/11, but would instead be just another excuse to say how great unions are and how evil conservatives are. This isn’t just gauche, but insulting, infuriating, and just plain ignorant. Not only that, but it is most certainly disrespectful of the fallen and just plain un-American.

But, then again, that describes unions in just about every instance, doesn’t it?

Disgustingly, the AFL-CIO’s Trumka turned a “memorial” to 9/11 into a union snake-oil sales pitch. Worse he began with an almost dismissive attitude to the memory of the attacks on our homeland.
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AFL-CIO Prez: Hey, Remember 9/11? Was a Great Union Moment, Right?”

Lefty Protesters: Here’s a Poll to Help Us Find Out What We are REALLY Mad About

-By Warner Todd Huston

I had to laugh when I found out about the left’s newest protest du jour. They are hopin’ mad, don’t cha know? So mad that they are busy organizing marches, protests, civil disobedience, and all sorts of activities to protest it all. But amusingly they aren’t even sure what it is they are mad about.

So, like all good citizens in the age of technology, they’ve created a Facebook poll to find out what they should protest!

Now, let me say this: if you are being oppressed by someone, if your life is so bad that you need to organize protests, usually “the problem” is pretty obvious in its seriousness. I mean, if things are so bad that you need mass resistance, you shouldn’t need any Facebook polls to discover what the problem is. It just should be pretty darn obvious.

Other folks in our modern age don’t need polls to find out what to protest. The so-called Arab Spring has its dictators to oppose. The Chinese Falun Gong have that whole being tortured and murdered by Chinese authorities thing going on — a pretty good thing to protest, I’d say. Heck, even though I don’t agree with them, many in the Eurotrash set have something to protest in that their governments are finally wising up and cutting entitlements. It’s all some pretty obvious stuff to oppose, murder, oppression, and entitlement cuts is.
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Lefty Protesters: Here’s a Poll to Help Us Find Out What We are REALLY Mad About”

Colorado School Places Saudi Arabian Flag Above U.S. Flag

-By Warner Todd Huston

An elementary school in Fort Collins, Colorado came under fire last week for having placed in the school a smaller sized Saudi Arabian flag in a higher, more prominent position that the flag of the United States. Many locals called this a disrespectful display and even wondered if it was part of some effort at anti-American indoctrination.

Colorado blog Greeley Report first noted the flag controversy by posting a photograph of the lobby display calling the positioning of the two flags “an outrage” and saying how the disrespect to the U.S. flag “shows how the indoctrination process continues without your consent or knowledge.”

Bauder Elementary School Principal, Brian Carpenter, told the Greeley Gazette that this was simply a careless mistake. Not only was nothing meant by the placement of the flags, but the matter was quickly corrected to have the U.S. flag hang higher than the others in the lobby.
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Colorado School Places Saudi Arabian Flag Above U.S. Flag”

Illinois Ranks Bottom of States With Worst Government Unions Accountability

-By Warner Todd Huston

A new study finds that Illinois ranks at the bottom of states with the worst climate of government union accountability in the nation. The Land of Lincoln ranks 47th in the nation of out of control, unaccountable government unions says the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s new “Big Labor vs. Taxpayers Index.”

The index ranks every state on “23 individual aspects to determine the degree to which states favor organized labor and which favor taxpayers.”

The Index provides a national narrative on labor policy. Analyzing 1,150 labor laws and regulations throughout the country, it allows state-level policy makers to learn from the successes and mistakes of their neighbors, and therefore adopt labor policies that are in the best interest of their citizens.

CEI ranks the top most taxpayer friendly states as Tennessee, Utah, Idaho, Texas and Florida. The worst states, areas where unions control the debate and constantly push legislators for ever more favorable laws and rules favoring government unions at the expense of taxpayers and good government are Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Illinois, New Jersey, and New York.

The study looks at such things as the strength of collective bargaining, the lack of or strength of secret ballot protection laws, the adherence to open meetings laws, project labor agreement laws and the like to determine how the states measure up against each other.
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Illinois Ranks Bottom of States With Worst Government Unions Accountability”

Children Better Behaved Than Union Thugs in Wisconsin

-By Warner Todd Huston

The MacIver Institute of Wisconsin has been doing stellar work on the situation between the unions and the rest of Wisconsin since Governor Scott Walker first entered the Governor’s mansion. The Institute has really shown the thuggery that is the unions again and again, revealing them for what they are.

Well, MacIver has done it again… or rather the unions have done it again.

Governor Walker had planned a visit to the Messmer Preparatory School in Milwaukee, a school that exemplifies what good education is. After all, 85% of the students that graduate from Messmer end up graduating from college.
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Children Better Behaved Than Union Thugs in Wisconsin”

Reform Unionism: A Wolf by Any Other Name…

-By Larry Sand

Despite good intentions, efforts to reform teachers unions and make them partners in education reform will not work.

Last week, the typically sane and sage Andrew Rotherham wrote a provocative article for Time Magazine entitled “Quiet Riot: Insurgents Take On Teachers Unions.” The main thrust of the piece is this:

“But perhaps the biggest strategic pressure for reform is starting to come from teachers themselves, many of whom are trying to change their unions and, by extension, their profession. These renegade groups, composed generally of younger teachers, are trying to accomplish what a generation of education reformers, activists and think tanks have not: forcing the unions to genuinely mend their ways.”

He spotlights three organizations he claims are leading a movement to reform teachers unions and make them partners in an attempt to improve the quality of public education — NewTLA, a dissident faction in the United Teachers of Los Angeles, Educators for Excellence, a reform group in New York started by two young Teach For America graduates, and Teach Plus, an organization that has gained traction in several states, whose goal is to “engage early career teachers in rebuilding their profession to better meet the needs of students and the incoming generation of teachers.”

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Reform Unionism: A Wolf by Any Other Name…”