Senator Seeking Answers on NLRB’s Attack on Boeing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Jim DeMint (R, SC) wants some answers as to why Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) thinks it has the power to tell American businesses where they are allowed to build their newest manufacturing facilities.

On June 6 Senator DeMint’s office filed a freedom of information request demanding documents connected to the NLRBs decisions to try to force Boeing not to open a new manufacturing plant it planned to open in South Carolina.

DeMint is concerned about the outside influence of unions in this case. On his website he notes that in the same month that the NLRB began attacking Boeing the International Association of Machinists was bragging in its newsletters about the political influence it had bought with its campaign contributions.
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Senator Seeking Answers on NLRB’s Attack on Boeing”

Actors Union Acting a ‘Bully Boy’ Over Aussie Lord of the Rings Sequels

-By Warner Todd Huston

Unions are the scourge of Middle Earth, or at least the upcoming filmed version of Tolkien’s Hobbit set in that mythical land, anyway. Peter Jackson, heir to the Tolkien legacy on film, is trying to produce a two-part Hobbit film but the local actors union is standing athwart him Sauron-like and casting its evil union eye upon the project frustrating everyone.

Jackson accused the Media Entertainment Arts Alliance of being an “Australian bully boy” after the union spurred actors to boycott the production over unmet union demands.

In a public letter, Jackson railed against the union demands.
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Actors Union Acting a ‘Bully Boy’ Over Aussie Lord of the Rings Sequels”