Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another UN meeting, another Obama appearance where he bends over backwards for foreign ideals and terror supporters. Once again Obama basically places ideas antithetical to America’s in front of ours as he addresses the world, seeming to apologize for us all over again.

For instance, the President began his speech with a eulogy of sorts to murdered U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens. But the President didn’t have the courage to call that murder an act of terrorism. In fact, Obama used the word terror only one time in this speech and this in the same month in which acts of terror have been perpetrated across the Middle East.

Obama was upbeat, though, about the so-called Arab Spring that swept across the Middle East earlier this year and he was self-congratulatory on his part in it all.

“Since then, the world has been captivated by the transformation that has taken place, and the United States has supported the forces of change,” he said to the foreign leaders gathered at the UN.

But, Obama sure hasn’t supported pro-democracy forces in Iran. And with his “leading from behind” he has offered but uneven and tepid support for the forces in Libya, not to mention his complete silence about the pro-democracy activists in China. Further he has wasted not a word urging Bahrain to release its pro-democracy political prisoners. In fact, he’s been slow to voice support for most of the pro-democracy activists throughout the very Arab Spring he praised at the UN.
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Obama’s UN Speech: Soft Pedaling America’s Principles”

ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing

-By Warner Todd Huston

Every once in a while the Old Media takes a jab at their most favorite president of all time and Obama’s decision to skip any meetings with the world leaders that are gathering at the UN this week seems to be one of those times.

Just to name a few, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ABC’s Jake Tapper, and the CBS Evening News all took swipes at the president for doing campaign stops, TV entertainment shows, and softball interviews instead of doing his job as our nation’s chief foreign policy representative by meeting with the world leaders who are this week visiting New York at the United Nations.

CBS slapped Obama saying “diplomacy gets a backseat to campaigning” on Monday in a piece by Nancy Cordes.

Noting that last year Obama conducted “13 one-on-one meetings with major leaders,” this year not so much.
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ABC, CBS, CNN, & MSNBC All Knock Obama For Campaigning Instead of Governing”

Obama Eager To Sign Away Our Second Amendment Rights to U.N.

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another odious United Nations treaty may soon come before President Obama and he’s reportedly quite eager to sign onto this one because it may result in the end of our Constitutional Second Amendment rights. It may also turn over to the U.N. the control of the manufacture of all weapons and weapons related items, even hunting arms and related merchandise.

This treaty, the U. N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), could be finalized sometime this month and critics say it presents many dangers to American sovereignty, foreign policy, and safety, not to mention our Second Amendment rights.

The scope of this treaty is quite broad, covering items as small as rifle scopes all the way to such huge items as battleships and instruments of the major power’s war machines. It not only covers the final manufactured weapons and weapons-related merchandise, it also covers the technology and means for their production. This treaty seems intended to place in U.N. hands every last thing related to any kind of weapon, regardless of its use. This includes hunting weapons.

U.S. authorities have tried to assuage American’s fears by telling us, for instance, that the ATT will exclude hunting weapons. But this is quite unlikely as most of the countries involved in negotiations are against excluding such weapons.

Still Obama administration officials say fears are over blown. Acting Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller recently took to her Twitter account to try to make Americans feel better about the treaty by assuring us all that it “will not in any way handicap the legitimate right of self-defense.”
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Obama Eager To Sign Away Our Second Amendment Rights to U.N.”

Why Obama’s Love Affair with Planned Parenthood?

-By Kevin Roeten

Asheville’s Planned Parenthood Health Center

What is happening with Obama and Planned Parenthood (PP)? Obama and the United Nations? It’s a plain fact Obama can reduce the debt easily. But he’s not budging with those items. Obama’s being very coy about his actions. Obama will not cut taxpayer funds for PP, even though 98% of their expenditures are for abortion.

Obama seems to think PP can do no bad. Lately, he decided to trample the will of New Hampshire. On 9/13, the Obama administration made a decision to force New Hampshire taxpayers to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business, even after New Hampshire’s Executive Council voted to revoke a $1.8 million contract.

PP says the reinstated grant will not fund abortions. But it frees up money the abortion business would otherwise have to spend on advertising and promoting abortions. Obama Administration did not provide any competitive process for other non-abortion agencies to compete for the contract.
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Why Obama’s Love Affair with Planned Parenthood?”

The Sad Tale of 50 Million Global Warming Refugees

-By Warner Todd Huston

This is the sad, sad tale of the 50 million global warming refugees that the UN warned us about. Oh, it isn’t sad because there are any 50 million refugees, it’s sad because people believed that there were going to be 50,000 refugees due to global warming. After all, these purported refugees never materialized.

Back in 2005 the U.N. had determined that by 2010 there would be some 50 million refugees thrown out of their homes because of the ravages of globaloney. As Aaron Worthington says, that prediction came up short of the mark “by only around 50 million.” When the UN was at the height of its great global warming scam, the United Nations Environment Programme predicted that by 2010 there would be 50 million people driven from their homes as a result of globaloney…

Read the rest at RightPundits.com.

Illinois Legislature Violates U.S. Constitution to Implement U.N. Treaty

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Illinois State Senate will soon be considering State Resolution 92. This resolution would have the state recognize the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and force Illinois to observe its wholly un-American provisions. This move would, in fact, be illegal, but State Senator Kimberly Lightford (D, Westchester) thinks she has the power to obviate the Constitution anyway.

Lightford’s conceit is a perfect example of the arrogance of the left. This woman imagines that not only can she go around the president of the United States and deal with a foreign power of her own volition, but she thinks she can deal with this foreign power in violation of the law of the land. Imagine the arrogance.
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Illinois Legislature Violates U.S. Constitution to Implement U.N. Treaty”

UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years

-By Warner Todd Huston

As most of you know last week I was down in Cancun, Mexico reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit (officially called COP16/CMP6). It was several days of sun, surf, and U.N. conmen. I am back in the saddle here at home but Friday I went from the warm white sands of Cancun back to the cold white snow of Chicago. Where’s all that global warming when you need it?

At least I have the modern conveniences of natural gas to keep my house warm and coal and nuclear-fired electric to power my electronic entertainment and work devices both. Unfortunately, if the con in Cancun is successful we may no longer have such luxuries.

One of the last places I visited in Cancun was the Villa de Cambio Climatico — or in English the climate change village. The exhibit was sponsored by the Mexican federal government and was set up in order to indoctrinate Mexico’s school children in the ways of environmental hokum.

At the exhibit we found what was presented as the ideal eco-friendly house. Of course, it was suitably small as the enviro-Nazis most certainly don’t want anyone enjoying a bit of elbowroom in their homes though it did have space for a few modern niceties. It had a tiny computer area, an actual flush toilet, and a four-foot-tall refrigerator that looks like it might be able to store enough food for two or three days.
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UN Climate Summit, Cancun, Mexico: Climate Conmen Sending You Back 100 Years”

The Con in Cancun: UN Climate Change Summit Update

-By Warner Todd Huston

I am here in Cancun, Mexico investigating the U.N. Climate Change Conference to see what sort of wonderful solutions to save our very planet are being planned for all of us here in sunny Mexico. It’s always nice that we can come to save the planet… at a nice resort hotel complex… on a beach… in a moderate clime… isn’t it?

For those of you that are unaware of what this conference is about, this conference is being called COP16/CMP6. That stands for — prepare to doze off here — the 16th edition of Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP) and the 6th Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP). Just like the UN to puff itself up with grand sounding titles, isn’t it?

And it’s a good thing we are here in time to save the earth, too. I mean what with thousands of delegates having winged their way here on private jets and as they drive themselves about in fleets of armored SUVs, as well as the hundreds if not a thousand or more Agentes Policiacos Federales and military personnel driving about in trucks toting machine guns and armored vests to keep us all safe from drug cartels, why it’s about the nick of time that we are here to save the planet.
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The Con in Cancun: UN Climate Change Summit Update”

UN Climate Summit: The Con in Cancun

-By Warner Todd Huston

In but a few hours I’ll be headed to Chicago’s O’Hare airport to wing my way to sunny Cancun to do a few days reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit. As is my luck in life, sunny Cancun will be rainy Cancun if the weatherman is to be believed. Of course, weather reports aren’t the only thing going on down there that isn’t to be believed.

There has already been some guffaw inducing inanities in Cancun. For instance, an Oxfam report is telling summit attendees that “more than twice the number” of people have died from natural disasters in 2010 than have in 2009. And they tell us this is all due to global warming even though they also admit “it is impossible to link any single event with rising temperatures.”

What is the solution to the problem that Oxfam cannot prove exists? Why your money, of course. Oxfam wants the U.S. to establish a “Green Fund” of at least $100 billion annually to combat all this carnage and global warming.

If a big, multi-billion dollar slush fund that’s at the beck and call of globaloney peddlers isn’t enough, summit attendees are also demanding that the whole civilized world ration itself back to the stone age to “solve” global warming/climate change.
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UN Climate Summit: The Con in Cancun”

UN Ripe for US Budget Cutting

-By Kevin Roeten

Reducing the US budget over $5 billion/year sounds too good to be true. Actually 1.2 billion is the US share (22% in 2010). But the ‘peacekeeping budget’ is a whopping $7.8 billion/yr, of which the US is responsible for over 27%, or $2.1 billion. The offending party—the UN. The place—Manhattan. The damage—at least $3.3 billion/year.

In the 2/3/10 column by Brett Schaeffer, Time to Rein in the U.N.’s Budget | The Heritage Foundation, he explains the details included in the 2010-2011 2-yr UN budget. [9] If one includes the US voluntary contributions to the UN, the US exceeds $5 billion annually. [13]
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UN Ripe for US Budget Cutting”

Mentally Retarded Now Have ‘Intellectual Disability’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Along with implementing a socialist takeover of healthcare making it more expensive and less attentive, aside from taking over America’s car industry and creating a new brand of auto — Government Motors — and right along side efforts to give Big Labor millions of our tax dollars in payoffs and bailouts, not to mention attempting to takeover the banking and investing sectors, the Obama administration and the Democrat Party have also decided that we can no longer say “mentally retarded,” or even mentally disabled.” Hence forth by order of Democrats we shall now call them “intellectually disabled.”

This is the really important work of Congress in these “interesting times” in which we live.

With this important work, Congress has changed the label in existing health, education and labor law so that the terminology will more closely ascribe to that of the United Nation’s health arm.

Me, I’d like to know when they will officially classify liberalism as a mental disease? Maybe instead of saying they suffer from liberalism, we should say they suffer from “Intellectual Disassociation Disorder.” Because they certainly can’t seriously imagine that their lies and schemes comport with reality in any way.

Still, I am glad that Congress has taken the time away from spending us into oblivion and indulging its plans to materially destroy the USA to make it a less powerful member of the European Union to alter our mental health definitions to fit the UN’s needs. God knows we can’t help the UN out enough.
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Mentally Retarded Now Have ‘Intellectual Disability’”

McConnell for Colorado: He Loves Guns and The U.S.A…. not so big on the U.N.

I have to say, I find it somewhat amazing to see the sort of campaign videos we’ve been seeing of late. They are hard-nosed, straight-forward, REAL American styled campaign spots. I can’t imagine any time in our past when such hard-core American sentiment would have been evident in campaign commercials like this.

Here is one for Bob McConnell who is running for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.

Army RANGERS, hoo ah!

So, all you true Americans living in Colorado’s Third, go out and vote for a real American. Vote Bob McConnell.


(H/T HotAir)

UN’s Haiti Recovery Budget Wasted Mostly on UN Operatives’ Paychecks

-By Warner Todd Huston

In another perfect example of why the United Nations is a complete waste of time and should be eliminated as useless, news has emerged that the UN’s $732.4 million Haitian relief budget is being wasted mostly on paychecks for UN personnel instead of going to actually help anyone in earthquake ravaged Haiti.

According to reports, two-thirds of the $732.4 million budget is going to pay for the “salary, perks and upkeep of its own personnel” instead of earthquake victims.

Some $495.8 million goes for salaries, benefits, hazard pay, mandatory R&R allowances and upkeep for the peacekeepers and their international staff support. Only about $33.9 million, or 4.6 percent, of that salary total is going to what the U.N. calls “national staff” attached to the peacekeeping effort.

Even more ridiculously, this reported amount will only cover the UN’s effort through the end of June after which the UN will pump even more cash into the effort. Remember, folks, this is your tax money going to waste.
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UN’s Haiti Recovery Budget Wasted Mostly on UN Operatives’ Paychecks”

ClimateGate and the UN: New Red Scare over Green Lies

-By Warner Todd Huston

Believe it or not, the UN just whined that climategate is the Russian’s fault. It appears that the United Nation’s position is that the obvious cover-up of the false doctrine that is global warming perpetrated by global warming “scientists” is not the fault of the lying scientists, but that of the assumed “paid” Russian hacker that hacked the globaloney scientist’s emails and exposed the cover-up to the world. Convoluted reasoning, no?

Remember when you were a child and your Mother discovered through hearing about it from the neighbors that you were doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing? Remember how instead of taking responsibility for your actions you cried that it wasn’t right that someone narced on you? Well, that is the same sort of childish, facile reasoning that the UN has employed to explain away this climaegate scandal.

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, a vice-chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), recently said that the hacked emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) were obtained and hyped by Russia in order to “destroy public confidence” in the “science” of man-made global warming… or is it now “climate change”? It’s hard to keep up with their constant name changing as they look for more sellable rhetoric.

Just like that kid that’s mad at getting caught but can’t see that he is at fault in the first place, the UN is now trying to get everyone to consider this as “hackergate” instead of climategate. Various UN folks are in essence telling us not to look “here,” but to instead look “over there.”
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ClimateGate and the UN: New Red Scare over Green Lies”

UN Says Gender ‘Not Fixed,’ Is ‘Changeable’

-By Warner Todd Huston

UN “Special Rapporteur” Martin Scheinin recently filed a report with the UN titled “Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism” in which he states that human gender is not a fixed thing but a mere “social construct” that is “changeable over time.”

In this paper Scheinin, the “Special Rapporteur” — I do get a kick out of the pretentiousness of that grandiose title — and the UN leadership (a word I use advisedly) wants terribly to deny both genetics and simple reality. Page eight of this report asserts that a man is not necessarily a man and a women… well, maybe she’s something else entirely… but what ever they are their gender is but a temporary designation determined at the whim of society.

Catch this PC garbage:
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UN Says Gender ‘Not Fixed,’ Is ‘Changeable’”

UN Putting Education in Government’s Hands and the End of Homeschooling

-By Warner Todd Huston

Homeschooling is a growing trend in the United States today. Many thousands of parents wary of government indoctrination of their children, not to mention tired of the plummeting level of actual education threatening our kid’s futures, are taking their children’s education into their own hands and setting up homeschools. The trend is also starting to alarm the bureaucrats in government that count on using our children as a device to bring in state and federal tax money as well as teachers unions that relish the power of controlling our progeny. Consequently, state governments are increasingly looking at regulations meant to hamper homeschooling efforts.

But it isn’t just American bureaucrats and unions looking to justify their jobs that homeschoolers should worry about. From outside the U.S. there is a looming threat to homeschooling. Not only education sits in the crosshairs but the very the rights of parents to decide what is best for their own children could be threatened. This threat will likely manifest itself if the U.S. ratifies the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Currently the U.S. is not a signatory to this treaty and it would be better for parents if that remains the case because the UNCRC, if ratified, could set the stage for a complete government takeover of all education regardless of the desires or religious convictions of parents throughout the United States. And as mentioned this treaty also has the potential to eliminate parent’s rights altogether and, not just with education. Current events in Great Britain, a signatory to the treaty, are being closely watched by American homeschoolers and evidence seems to be mounting that worries about the UNCRC are well founded.

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UN Putting Education in Government’s Hands and the End of Homeschooling”

International Busy Body Laws Waning?

-By Warner Todd Huston

Are we beginning to see the first cracks in the idea of “universal jurisdiction,” the international busy body “law” that said that any nation can arrest the leaders of any other nation and try them for “war crimes”? Let us hope we are, at least.

Now, I’ve always contended that the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals was a mistake. Not because those Nazi scum were innocent, far from it. But, rather, because it set a bad precedent that contended that the “international community” was qualified to capture, prosecute, and punish “war criminals.” This entire concept is made to order if one wants to destroy national sovereignty but not for one much interested in the rule of law. In fact, it is a direct assault on any rule of law because it invites the capricious rule of the mob (by reflecting current world opinion) on just who is and who is not a “war criminal.” Not to mention that the assumption that a world body can make these determinations must as a matter of course preclude any power over its own people by the individual nations involved. The determination of the “world community” will and must supersede national legal rulings — unless those rulings happen to agree with that world opinion which only makes the national decision at best perfunctory and certainly pointless.

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International Busy Body Laws Waning?”

Boxer Urges Quick Handover of U.S. Power to UN

-By Warner Todd Huston

Senator Barbara Boxer (D, CA) wants to speed the process of handing power over U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations as soon as possible by urging the State Department to come out in support of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

The UNCRC imposes on all treaty signatories power over laws concerning children and, by extension, families. The largest portion of laws concerning children and families in the U.S. are state statutes so this treaty would, in actual fact, eliminate all family laws in the various states and hand the power over this area of law to the U.N. as per the Supremacy Clause to the U.S. Constitution (Article V1) that states that treaties preempt state laws.

Boxer is eager to destroy the entire lot of family laws throughout the country supposedly to protect “the most vulnerable people of society.”

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