Cash for the ‘Arts’ In Obama’s Stinkulus Bill: A Caviar Feast on a Cheeseburger Budget

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama has called the economic worries facing Americans a “continuing disaster” and an “economic crisis,” one verging on a “catastrophe.” It will all “turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession,” he says, unless we pass the stimulus bill now. There is no time to wait. It’s an emergency. We’re doomed and need only these most important federal handouts to get us past this disaster.

So, why is there uncounted millions of dollars for “the arts” in this pork laden mess?

I don’t know about you, but when my finances take a down turn and I am at emergency, subsistence levels in my income — a situation I have, indeed, faced in my life — the first thing I do is determine what expenditures are vital and necessary and cut out, or at least cut back, the rest.

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