Scott Brown Crashes Ted Kennedy Event, Defends GOP

-By Warner Todd Huston

This one is fun, I have to say. Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown crashed an event dedicated to Ted Kennedy, bounded to the stage and defended the Republican Party in the face of startled guests. Hilarious.

Naturally, I am not a huge fan of the centrist Senator from Massachussets, but he’s certainly better than all the other extreme left-wingers infesting that state. Yes, he a typically liberal East Coast Republican, but, hey, he’s been an ally enough to be a friend. Not like Olympia Snowe or Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords, for instance.

Anyway, that disclaimer made (because if I don’t say it, I will be accused of being a RINO), let’s get to the story…

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Chgo Trib’s Eric Zorn Doesn’t Mind That Teddy Got Away With Murder

-By Warner Todd Huston

If this isn’t the perfect example that liberals don’t care who has to die in order to make sure that left wing policies win the day, then nothing does. We can see this prime example in Eric Zorn’s horrid August 28 editorial where he thanks … well, whatever deity leftists believe in, if any… that the country didn’t quickly find out about the homicide of Mary Jo Kopechne that was committed by Teddy Kennedy in July of 1969.

Zorn is happy that the news of Teddy’s crime was quashed for hours as the poor woman slowly drowned while Teddy boy sat around a plush hotel drinking with pals. He’s happy because if the country had seen 24/7 coverage of the incident in 1969 it may have ruined Teddy’s career as a politician afterward. And if that had happened, you see, why the “lion of the Senate” wouldn’t have been able to push his anti-American, left-wing agenda for the ensuing four decades.

So, as far as Zorn is concerned, quashing the news of the homicide that Kennedy committed was a good thing. In Zorn’s opinion, allowing the woman to slowly drown wasn’t so bad after all. In Zorn’s opinion, the attempted cover-up of Mary Jo Kopechne’s death was unimportant. Yeah, the woman’s death was a small price to pay for 40 years of pushing a left-wing agenda.
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Chgo Trib’s Eric Zorn Doesn’t Mind That Teddy Got Away With Murder”

The Kennedy Irony

-By Dan Scott

In a desperate bid to legitimize a government take over of the health care industry; Democrats now are seeking to gain political cover and traction with the recent death of Senator Ted Kennedy. Senator Kennedy died of brain cancer this week, a condition that on average had a 33% survival rate over 5 years. To say the least, his condition was one no one would wish upon another human being. So it is interesting that Democrats wanting to use Senator Kennedy’s death from this horrible disease fail to recognize the irony of their shallow maneuver. Given the life years and the efficacy requirements that would judge the cost effectiveness of a treatment, in all likelihood, Senator Kennedy at age 77, would have been denied treatment or even worse under a government run system rationing the dollars allocated to health care would not be attempting improve the efficacy of such treatments.

As more information comes to light regarding what is in HR 3200, the public is increasingly opposing the bill and seeing the disconnect between what President Obama says the bill will do versus what is actually written in it. This disconnect is highlighted by the faulty premise that underlies the idea of government run health care. Even if a quote single payer system is not implemented, health care will still be government run by the virtue of the fact Congress has usurped authority to be calling the shots via legislation imposing rules and regulations that are contrary to free market principles.

The premise of government run health care is to limit the total dollar amount spent for the population as a whole due to an individual’s ability to pay under the guise of providing equal access to everyone. Whereas, under the current free market system there is no such limitation due to overall cost. Otherwise why are they wanting to eliminate a successful program like Medicare Advantage for seniors to obtain more money for uninsured people? The only limitation is the individual’s ability to pay for any particular medical procedure. Does it not occur to Democrats and liberals that those who are financially well off provide the seed money for new treatments that will in the long run SAVE money on a per treatment basis because medical providers are taking the risk to find ever more effective means to offer these treatments to a greater number of people? The profit premise that modern capitalism operates under is sales volume. Yes, the total spent on health care is more under the current system than in a government run system such as Canada or England. Why? Because medical providers in our current free market system are continually developing more treatments for the purpose of making a significant profit from customers who have the ability to pay. So whose money is it to spend in the first place?
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The Kennedy Irony”