The Pill Can Result in Abortion

-By Kevin Roeten

Shocking news to people who consider themselves pro-life. Many politicians even run on the term ‘pro-life’ without realizing they might be killing their baby, and probably sending her/him down the commode. Are they negligent of reality, or do they want to use the term pro-life to ‘score’ some votes at the ballot box?

Even if married, does anyone (including your pastor), refer to themselves as pro-life but still use birth control, such as the Pill, Ella, Morning-After Pill, RU-486, etc…, to avoid a pregnancy? Without knowing what these chemicals actually do, the proper information is necessary before being called “pro-life”.

Taking a birth control pill every day (or as often as possible), will cause the uterus to shed its lining and become inhospitable (incompatible for implantation) for the nurture of a fertilized embryo. In other words, if the fertilized embryo cannot attach to the uterus for continued growth, and it was purposely done, it’s been aborted. The usual place for an unwanted baby would likely be the toilet.
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The Pill Can Result in Abortion”