Mayor Daley Rips Anti-War Hypocrites: ‘We Won the Election. Now We Go Home.’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago’s WBEZ Radio has a nice blog set up. Naturally there aren’t any conservatives there. Take Cate Cahan’s recent report on Mayor Richard “King” Daley’s appearance at the 16th Annual Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards, for instance. She so missed the point, she so badly spun it in the wrong direction, that it is a laughable attempt to salvage something positive for the left-wing out of Mayor Daley’s mocking of the anti-war movement from the podium.

In his own inimitably garbled grammar, from the podium, Daley passionately delivered the following mocking of the anti-war movement:

“Where are the anti-war people? Where are they? They disappeared! What happened? I thought war was evil? Where are the people that believed in their heart against George Bush? [mockingly] ‘We’ve have to organize and walk down Michigan Avenue and Clark Street!’ What happened? I thought they believed in their heart? Oh, we won the election. Now we go home. What happened to America?”

(Hear the audio at the WBEZ page.)

It is glaringly obvious that Mayor Daley is calling these antiwar protesters hypocrites. They’ve won the election with Obama in office, da Mayor is saying, so now they’ve gone home ignoring the fact that Obama has continued “Bush’s” several wars.
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Mayor Daley Rips Anti-War Hypocrites: ‘We Won the Election. Now We Go Home.’”

Why Is Chicago losing Trade Shows?

-By Warner Todd Huston

This photo is a great example of why Chicago’s MacCormick Center is cost prohibitive for trade shows and why so many of them have pulled out of the city.

I’ve been to the auto show several times (not this year, but last) and I’ve seen these whateveryoucallthem workers that loll around the show with a plastic bag in one hand and a feather duster in the other. They lazily stroll about occasionally taking a swipe at something with their little duster but other wise just enjoying a nice leisurely stroll about the place.

This woman in this picture and all the union guys that twist in a light bulb, the union guys that plug in an extension cord, the union guys that move things, the union guys that pull the legs down on a fold-up table… each with their own unions and each forced on the exhibitors at union scale of up to $40 an hour.

It makes you realize why these trade shows are leaving Chicago like it was still on fire, fer cripes sakes!

Wouldn’t it make much more sense to have the guys manning the booth to be the ones to keep their own inventory dust free and save the stupid union costs that no one can afford anyway?

Yep, no wonder no one wants to be robbed in Chicago. Who needs Al Capone when we have Richard “King” Daley and his union thug army?
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Why Is Chicago losing Trade Shows?”

Unions and Corruption Plague Chicago’s Convention Business

-By Warner Todd Huston

Chicago’s McCormick Place convention center is one of the largest convention halls in the world. With a total of 2,670,000 square feet of exhibition space and clocking in at a building cost of nearly one billion dollars it had better be one of the biggest, after all Chicago does do things big. Sadly that includes big corruption and unfortunately that corruption is turning “the city that works” into the city that lost its jobs.

This week Chicago’s Mayor Richard “King” Daley railed against the conditions that have made Chicago’s convention business a wreck these days. Along with Governor Pat Quinn, Daley has unveiled new work rules that would prevent unions from striking and would change union policies so that the high, high costs of bringing a convention to Chicago might come down.

Naturally, Daley was too weak-kneed to assign the blame where it mostly belongs: unions. Even as all his fixes center on alterations in union operations, Daley refused to say this is mostly the fault of the overweening and costly unions.
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Unions and Corruption Plague Chicago’s Convention Business”

Another Trade Show Dumps Chicago Over Union Ripoffs

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another trade show is leaving Chicago this time for Atlanta, Georgia. The Chicago Tribune is reporting that the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society meeting which has been held in Chicago’s McCormick Convention Center for quite some time is leaving the city due to the high costs that unions force upon its exhibitors.

In October we posted that the Plastics Industry Trade Association is also contemplating fleeing Chicago for southern hospitality for the same reason.

The HIMSS reports that 2009 attendance in Chicago’s McCormick Center was down by 5 percent compared to 2008. Attendance also dropped from 29,100 in 2008 to 27,500 this year. Additionally, HIMSS reports that they lost exhibitors over 2008, as well.
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Another Trade Show Dumps Chicago Over Union Ripoffs”

Chgo’s Mayor Daley: Guns, Not Islam, Caused Fort Hood Massacre

-By Warner Todd Huston

Just like an unprincipled, self-interested, tin-eared politician, Mayor Richard Daley decided to use the massacre at Fort Hood to flog his prosaic anti-gun message in Chicago.

When asked if Islam had anything at all to do with the Fort Hood massacre and if Muslims might expect some sort of backlash or anti-Islamic movement because of Nidal Hasan’s evil act of terror, Daley replied:

“Every day in society people are getting killed, unfortunately. America loves guns, we love guns to a point that we see the devastation on a daily basis. You don’t blame a group, you don’t blame a society… i,i,immigrant community because of actions of one group, uh one individual, you cannot say that.”

So, guns caused the Fort Hood massacre? Of course, this absurd claim does not square with the Major Hasan’s history of radical Islamism, but, hey, if you can use someone else’s “tragedy” to push your political message… what the heck, eh?So, not only was Daley his usually inarticulate self, but he found himself not above using this crime to push his own particular political message; his anti-gun zealotry.
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Chgo’s Mayor Daley: Guns, Not Islam, Caused Fort Hood Massacre”

Chicago’s Tax Informing Rats

-By Warner Todd Huston

Mad at your job? Torked at your neighbor? Snoop around in their tax info and if you find something damning… REPORT THEM! And the kindly folks down at Chicago’s City Hall are happy to help with their new tax rat program.

The Sun-Times reported that Daley’s Rat Line program could be added to the 2010 budget.

Mayor Daley’s tough-times, 2010 budget includes a first-ever “Tax Whistleblower Program” expected to include cash bounties for informants who deliver the goods on unpaid business taxes.

The cash reward would be a percentage of the amount recovered, but specifics are still being worked out. The dreaded employee head tax and lease tax are just two of the most frequent targets for tax cheats.

What the heck, eh? It worked for the Soviets and the East Germans in keeping their citizens in line, didn’t it?

Daley is telling us in his own inimitable way that, “Vee haf vays of making zure you pays das taxes, zitizens.”
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Chicago’s Tax Informing Rats”

Mayor Daley’s Empty Property Tax Rhetoric

-By Warner Todd Huston

Paul Kroenke wrote a great piece on the empty bravado of Mayor Richard Daley and his populist claims that he won’t raise property taxes. Kroenke pretty much shows that because of the tax zones that Daley has set up across the city, he really can’t raise property taxes even if he wanted to do so.

Back on October 14, Daley played the populist by claiming that he was ruling out property tax hikes.

“You can’t [raise property taxes] … That would hurt people tremendously,” Daley said.

“You can only take so much. People are being laid off on a daily basis. People are getting cut back. They don’t have the money anymore. Government has to look at itself and find out what they can live with and what are their priorities. Simple as that.”

Don’t you feel all warm and fuzzy inside already?

It’s not an easy story to relate because of how convoluted the legal situation is, but Kroenke does fairly well putting it all out there. What the final take seems to be is that Daley has created what are called Tax Increment Financing zones across 30% of the city where property taxes are frozen at current rates for a 24-year period so, as it turns out, he can’t raise property taxes there anyway.
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Mayor Daley’s Empty Property Tax Rhetoric”

Stealth Daley Taxation: Paying for Parking ‘Thru the Nose’

Local artist Jeff Strong is obviously not a big fan of Chicago’s new, higher parking meter rates.

He’s designed a T-shirt to communicate his anti-meter feelings.

Strong has taken creative license with the new “Pay to Park” signs for the new pay and display meters that have gone up all around the city.