No Truth In Left’s Wisconsin Union Support or Its State Budget Surplus Story

-By Warner Todd Huston

First came the disgrace of supposedly intelligent teachers in Wisconsin sporting hundreds of signs calling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker “Hitler” and now comes the entire liberal blogosphere and it’s echo chamber in the left-media establishment claiming that Gov. Walker has “ginned up” a budget shortfall when he actually has a budget surplus. One wonders when the childish hyperbole and lies will ever stop for the left?

Lefty TV yakker Rachel Maddow, ever hooked into the most goofy left-wing talking point du jour and always ready to dutifully regurgitate same, recently made a big point about Walker’s mythic surplus, sneeringly saying that, “Wisconsin is fine… I am not kidding.” On her Feb 17 show, Maddow breathlessly informed us that Walker is just using the claim of a budget problem in a cynical attempt to destroy unions. Because, well, unions are so innocent, right? I mean they are just gently joshing with all those Hitler references, you know?
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No Truth In Left’s Wisconsin Union Support or Its State Budget Surplus Story”

Rachel Maddow’s Reason For Being Duped by Satire Website: It’s Conservatives Fault

-By Warner Todd Huston

Remember when you were a kid and you got caught doing something you shouldn’t have been doing? Remember when you were confronted with your wrong doing that your first response was to blame everyone else? Well, that is very common for a child… or for a liberal, apparently. At least it is for MSNBC’s left-wing demagogue Rachel Maddow, anyway.

Earlier this week, Maddow featured some important news about Sarah Palin. Palin, Maddow breathlessly told us, was being urged to support the launch of a military attack on Egypt as it boiled over in turmoil. Maddow was indignant that the Christian website called was telling Palin to “forcibly” support “an American-led invasion of Egypt to protect our interest in North Africa.” This was an outrage, Maddow insisted. It was proof that Christians and conservatives were dangerous lunatics she hinted.

But there was one problem with Maddow’s “analysis”: is a satire site, not a serious, advocacy site. Maddow was taken by satire but treated it as serious news from a site offering serious policy recommendations.
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Rachel Maddow’s Reason For Being Duped by Satire Website: It’s Conservatives Fault”

MSNBC: Pushing the Claim that Republicans Were Against 1964 Civil Rights Act

-By Warner Todd Huston

On MSNBC on October 27, Rachel Maddow interviewed Jane Hamsher, well-known Hollywood roustabout and left-wing blogger for The subject was the progress of Obamacare in the Senate and Senator Joe Lieberman’s warning that he might join a Republican filibuster of the Baucus bill if it contained the so-called public option.

During the discussion, however, Hamsher went off on a tangent about the 1964 Civil Rights Act and made the allusion that the famed anti-civil rights Dixiecrats joined Republicans to stand in the way of civil rights during the 1964 debates.

Maddow: Let me ask you about the statistic I attributed to you in my intro there – I know you have been doing some digging on this issue – of a Democrat joining a Republican filibuster. How, how unprecedented would a move like this be for Senator Lieberman?

Hamsher: Well, we have seen a number of the other party cross overs…well we remember the Dixiecrats joining the Republicans in the sixties on civil rights filibusters …

Naturally, host Maddow did not correct Hamsher’s misleading claim that the GOP stood in the way of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In reality, Republicans were great supporters of the legislation. Leave it to MSNBC to continue the left’s favorite myth that Republicans are against civil rights for blacks.

Of course, the truth is that the 1964 Civil Rights Act saw strong Republican support. In fact, of the total number of Republicans then serving in Congress support never dipped below 70% on any of the final vote counts. The original House version got 80% GOP support, the Senate version got 82% and the final vote in the House was 82% of Republicans in support. On the other hand, Congressional Democrats never saw higher than 69% of its membership in support of civil rights for blacks.
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MSNBC: Pushing the Claim that Republicans Were Against 1964 Civil Rights Act”