Paper Makes Bigot of Principal Who Resigns Over High School’s ‘Gay Club’

-By Warner Todd Huston

A small paper in South Carolina called The Statesman indulged in some blatant hetero bashing this week in a story about a high school principal who resigned because of his convictions that the school should not allow a homosexual club to be started in his school. Naturally, the paper tries to make it seem as if the principal is an unreasonable bigot. The paper even conveniently forgot the part of the principal’s resignation letter that clearly explains why he disagreed with allowing a club based on sexual activity in a high school — and the explanation had nothing to do with any anti-gay sentiment.

The headline of the piece, “Irmo principal to resign after gay club approved for school,” frames this as if homosexuality was the only issue here but that is only an ancillary problem as far as the principal is concerned. The first line of the story affirms that the paper views the principal as a bigot.

The principal of Irmo High School has opted to resign rather than share his campus with an organization for gay students.

How rude of Principal Eddie Walker, eh? The headline seems to scream “what’s this guy’s problem?”

The Statesman also allows the controversy to be framed as a “civil rights” issue, even though it is no such thing.

Gay-rights group Faith in America says Walker’s decision is based on prejudice that is harmful to students and likened his decision to policies that once allowed segregation to flourish.

Now we are likening keeping a sex club out of a high school with “segregation”? Talk about absurd and dangerous hyperbole.

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